Help with Mothers


New Member
Hello fellow growers,
I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks for proper care for mother plants. I guess what im really asking is, how do i make my mothers last long as possible? thanks for any advice.
East Coast Grows,


Well-Known Member
Do a search, there are a couple threads specifically about growing and caring for mother plants. I have my first 2 moms growing , 7 weeks from seed, I keep LST'ing the side branches down to promote shoot growth and tying the top down so those shoots grow out. Drop your feeding down a week or so before taking cuttings, makes the clones hungry and helps push out roots. Do regular trimmings, get used to throwing out good cuttings, unless you're set up to constantly turn them over. You will probably have to root prune it once, maybe twice a year, and add new/amended soil ( if you are in soil). There really isn't much to it, it's just another plant in Veg....


New Member
Thanks, don't know why it was so much more complicated in my head. Can't wait for my seeds to get here now.