Help with lighting heat


Active Member
Hi guys. I am planning on growing one or two plants in my closet, which is 3 square feet and about 5 ft high. I was wondering if I buy a 150 watt HPS lamp, about how many degrees would the temperature rise in the closet?


Well-Known Member
with the door open you should be fine but when it comes time to veg your gonna need a light leak free area and will have to close it off so the temps will soar. Grap yourself a oscillating fan, and take a peek at a few posts about ventilation in the grow faq.


Active Member
I would also add to keep your ballast out of the closet and just hang the light in there. I'm running a 400w HPS in a 3'x7' closet for vegging and can keep the door closed without the temps or humidity going crazy (~~82F & 30% humidity).


Well-Known Member
You should be fine as far as temp. Just wach out for burns in such a short closet, but 150w should be ok. I got pretty much the same space.