help with clones!


Well-Known Member
Someone please help me my clones are soo wilted it its just dead but still green. I cloned them yesterday i got 6 altogether i use clonex gel cut them at a 45 degree with a small scratch on the stem. I then place them into a rockwool and seal it(press it together so no space is between the rockwool and stem). I use clonex cloning solution at 300 ppm and my ph is at 5.6. I use grotek no wilt but i guess im not mixing it right it says 1 part no wilt and 3 part water so i think i was suppose to put like 1 ounch grotek and 3 ounce water. But someone help me its wilting very bad, and how come when i use clonex gel this only happens but when i use rooting powder it never wilts! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the guy at the hydro store made it seem like clonex was god's gift to mankind. but that's neither here nor there. just wait for the clones to take some better rooting. if it doesn't turn around, scrap it and start again.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Are you using a humidity dome?

Did you flush the rockwool out well/then soak it at 5.5 pH before planting the clone?

does it look better this AM?


Well-Known Member
yes im using a humididome, and i dont flush my rockwool anymore because i dont think its that important, i've tried it in the past and dont see much difference. And my clones are still very wilted right now after i sprayed a whole bunch of no wilt. Does anyone know who this happens when i use clonex gel? I've use powder before and there was no need for no wilt sprays.


Well-Known Member
Yup i sprayed a whole bunch of no wilt last night before going to sleep and all of it is still very wilted, and 3 already began to dry up. HELP!

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Can you check the pH of the water in the cube? Are they sitiing in standing water?

I'll bet the pH is a 9 or so...and therin lies the problem. Could be wrong...I am all the time, but it just sounds suspect.

could also be the gel if you got it way up on the stem above the cube.

I've never had to use No Wilt...etc.

just a few thoughts...fwiw

bt dt


Well-Known Member
nope i place the rockwool in the tray with a who bunch of holes in it so its not saturated. The ph should be about 6.2 i know this because everytime i water it and drain the exess i get a ph of 6.0-6.2(ph was 5.5) so its not a ph problem. I have no idea why this happens now, when i first took the clonex gel home to test it out on 1 clone it was awsome no wilt or anything and even rooted faster then my powder. Now i took a bunch of clones and its looking bad.


Well-Known Member
Are you using a humidity dome?

Did you flush the rockwool out well/then soak it at 5.5 pH before planting the clone?

does it look better this AM?
. you can make a dome from an old gateraid bottle just cut it in half then place it over your clone. just rember to lift it once every day to let it get fresh air.they love the high humidty

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Did you scoop out some Clonex into another container and dip the clone in there the last time you used it...or did you dip right in the container and then just put the lid back on the jar? Was it refrigerated? Could anything in your environment have caused it to go bad. (heat/freezing temps, etc.?)

just grasping at straws here. It's always a mystery why it fails..ya just have to recut and go on.


Active Member
I think it could be lack of water in the cube. I've had a lot of trouble too lately. I noticed if i put the cuttings in straight water for a day before putting them in cubes they don't wilt much at all, compared to if I don't. So then I tried keeping them in a tray and adding water until there was 1/8th inch left in the bottom after absorbtion, once a day. This has made a huge difference. I think the problem is lack of water. After all you can get stems to root in just straight water. Check the grow faq's I think they have some different ways. Good luck and keep trying, you'll suceed if you don't give up.