help with 09


Well-Known Member
ok my plan is to get 16 clones off a mother to bring to a pre-picked area to plant.. i will be preparing this area in late march and planting in mid may... i have a bit of a problem tho.. the soil in this area isn't the greatest to grow in but it's all i have to work with... the soil has alot of clay in it.. i was going to dig 16 holes 2'x'2'x3' (LxWxD) and take that soil out and give it a bit of lime and a small amount of time release and some peatmoss (fresh).. bringing soil to the area isn't an option because it would be imposable to get there.. the soil is in canada and the area in wich i will be growing has alot of evergreens.. i will only be growing my plants to about 6-7ft tall but i will be toping them often to bush them out each plant will be about 20 ft away from eachother so it has alot of room to grow... i will be using a regular hardware store brand of chemical ferts.. one for eg and one for flowering.. the last 2 weeks i will be watering alot to get rid of as much fert as i can.. can anyone sudgest anything to help me out? because it would be greatly appreciated...