Help! Wilted plants!

MY babys have seriously wilted due to lack of water. Theyre clones that have been rooted for about 3 weeks and in little 3x3 inch plastic pots. Ive already watered the hell out of em and about half of them slowly bounced back. That was about an hour ago and the rest arent lookin too good. Theyre sittin in a tray being bottom fed in a light solution of thrive alive green. I also misted em with the solution as well and have a humidity dome over them to help get some moisture back in the leaves.

Is there anything else you guys can think of that might give my girls a better chance of survival?????
Half of their sisters bounced back so at this point I know that theyre right on the edge and every move I make right now is crucial!
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Id offer ta smoke everybody out but ya know.... I hope the thought counts!
Damn 36 views and no replies huh..... Im glad I didnt hold my breath! Or wait for an answer ta take action... HA! Anyway all of em fully recovered except one who's in I.C.U. tryin ta pull thru right now. They were the only clones of my outdoor plants. I was keepin em in case I found a couple good pheno's, which I did so Im glad they made it! But unfortunately the one thats havin a hard time bouncin back is my only copy of an OG Power Plant I got goin so if she dies my access to the genetics dies with her!
Ive got her under a humidity dome misted with thrive alive every so often, shes completely standing back up and her leaves arent droopin anymore which is great! But a few hours after I remove the dome she starts droopin real bad again! When I mist her and put the dome back over her she perks right back up.... I cant figure out what ta do with her, Im tryin leavin the dome off for an hour one day and then 2 hours the next day and so on but the first hour she started droopin!
I dont know what else ta do yall, if I lose this girl I cant get the genetics back so any help would be greatly appreciated! Ive heard of some stuff thats made to help bring back wilted plants maybe that would help......?
Alright guys and gals let the replies fly!


Damn 36 views and no replies huh..... Im glad I didnt hold my breath! Or wait for an answer ta take action... HA! Anyway all of em fully recovered except one who's in I.C.U. tryin ta pull thru right now. They were the only clones of my outdoor plants. I was keepin em in case I found a couple good pheno's, which I did so Im glad they made it! But unfortunately the one thats havin a hard time bouncin back is my only copy of an OG Power Plant I got goin so if she dies my access to the genetics dies with her!
Ive got her under a humidity dome misted with thrive alive every so often, shes completely standing back up and her leaves arent droopin anymore which is great! But a few hours after I remove the dome she starts droopin real bad again! When I mist her and put the dome back over her she perks right back up.... I cant figure out what ta do with her, Im tryin leavin the dome off for an hour one day and then 2 hours the next day and so on but the first hour she started droopin!
I dont know what else ta do yall, if I lose this girl I cant get the genetics back so any help would be greatly appreciated! Ive heard of some stuff thats made to help bring back wilted plants maybe that would help......?
Alright guys and gals let the replies fly!
Chief, you may want to consider a high nitrogen fertilizer much like fox farms's veg fertilizer. It sounds very familiar to a problem I had in the past. Also, what size are your planters?


Well-Known Member
Damn 36 views and no replies huh..... Im glad I didnt hold my breath! Or wait for an answer ta take action... HA! Anyway all of em fully recovered except one who's in I.C.U. tryin ta pull thru right now. They were the only clones of my outdoor plants. I was keepin em in case I found a couple good pheno's, which I did so Im glad they made it! But unfortunately the one thats havin a hard time bouncin back is my only copy of an OG Power Plant I got goin so if she dies my access to the genetics dies with her!
Ive got her under a humidity dome misted with thrive alive every so often, shes completely standing back up and her leaves arent droopin anymore which is great! But a few hours after I remove the dome she starts droopin real bad again! When I mist her and put the dome back over her she perks right back up.... I cant figure out what ta do with her, Im tryin leavin the dome off for an hour one day and then 2 hours the next day and so on but the first hour she started droopin!
I dont know what else ta do yall, if I lose this girl I cant get the genetics back so any help would be greatly appreciated! Ive heard of some stuff thats made to help bring back wilted plants maybe that would help......?
Alright guys and gals let the replies fly!
First off you put her BACK into a high humidity environment, she acclimated to this environment, now it sounds like she needs to be hardened off again back to the normal environment.

It sounds to me like you might be over reacting about being droopy cause of no water, any plant I've had that has been a limp noodle laying in the dirt, has gotten a good watering and maybe propped back up if needed and that's about it..

Cannabis is a pretty resilient plant, it takes a lot to kill them, Over care is a problem most of the time:blsmoke:

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
Def not over reaction or over care, my babysitter didnt care enough while i was on vacation and when i got back I had 20 wilted clones!Like usual they all perked right back up except for my one and only copy of og power plant. I hit her with b1 and put her under a humidity dome and she finally came back so i started taking her out of the dome for 30 mins then putting her back to hearden her off but she'd instantly wilt after only a few minutes out of the dome! Ive been growin for a long time and revived many wilted and sick babies but Ive never seen one come back after being put in a dome and then wilt again when you try to harden it off. She had adequate water and I kept her out of intense light but in the end I lost the battle and the only og power plant cut around!
Im thinkin maybe she was just too far gone in the first place and the dome was just bringin moisture back into the foliage and perkin her back up. Who knows...

newb weed grower

Active Member
ok i diagree with that man its fucking difficult
im an indoor grower and im having problems too but mine are worse i cant make a seedling to day 5 yah that bad
i know all i can possibly about a bigger plant but seedlings im having trouble with
im happy u made a good call im srry i didnt answer u but to be honest u named them all i think
im a guy that overloves his plants if i didnt look at my plant ounce every 2 hours id go insane

newb weed grower

Active Member
so im gonna have a ffriend stay for 2 weeks and in that tinme ill ahve a plant im allowed to love and one hes gonna guard fr me ill be allowed to water ounce every 2 day and i wont be able to see after wards
i think i need this because well yah im addicted to loving and watching my babys