help what should i do


Active Member
Plant was out side had like 20 slugs I removed and dirt is way to wet been under light for 24 hours n still real wet soil how can I dry it up and leaves are missing and holes assuming something ate it or pest here current pic help what do I do to save her

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
slow down cowpoke!

your plant was outside, and was infested with slugs?

you removed the dirt?

it's still too wet?

take a breath and tell us what happened, step by step. fill out this questionaire:

how old is the plant from germination?

what type of soil is it planted in?

did it show any signs of problems before you found the slugs?

how did you remove the slug infestation?

how did you remove the dirt?

how much dirt is left in the pot?

it is now inside, under artificial lights?

what kind of lights?

what wattage of lights?

how close to the plant are the lights?

have you seen any slugs since you brought it inside?

does the plant still have some leaves and it's growing tips?

is the plant wilting or withering?

can you insert a photo of the plant, and it's soil and pot?


Active Member
I'd just re transplant it it got in that container last week but out of dirt n broke ATM y I asked what can save her and I never used fert. Or plant food always just watered it


Active Member
And since o brought it in did the above seen no slugs just looking really wealty ( changing down) as u can see in pic


Well-Known Member
I would cut the death away put a fan by the soil, maybe even put more drain
holes in the pot with as little damage to the roots as possible. But that`s just me.
I would also flip out on every slug in the neighborhood for a week or so.


Active Member
LOL ya damn slugs its by fan I thought about taking hair dryer to soil then started thinking ill prolly fry the Roots cut the death that's like almost every leaf


Well-Known Member
poke holes in your soil to let them wick out, you can put salt around your grow area to keep those pesky fuckers away. add some perlite to it if you want it to wick out easier, and 87 is awfully high, unless they're outside that isnt a good thing really, unless your strain comes from a desert environment or something. try adding garlic or planting marigolds around her, thatll keep away most mites, and if you have any other problems we'll do our best to help.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
shit's gonna be rough playboy! in that situation heres how i would roll:

gather these materials:

get a much larger pot (that pot is too small to finish your grow and you may as well upsize now, and save your plant some stress)
Sufficient fresh potting mix, soil or coco fiber to fill the larger pot 2/3 of the way up at least.
at least 2 cups of small size perlite (the big stuff is too big for soil grows)

fill a large basin, laundry tote, or bathtub with lukewarm water, water that feels like it's skin temperature.
place the plant in the water, and GENTLY massage the roots till the soil floats free.
put the plant in the new pot and soil, and give the soil just enough water to moisten it (if you used rehydrated coco fiber it needs no more water)
dont pack it down!
remove the really chewed up leaves and put her back under the lights
by tomorrow she should start perking up.
make sure you get rid of the old dirt (and it's millions of slug eggs!) by dumping it down the drain
from now on, save your egg shells. after you use the eggs, rinse them with water, and place them in a shallow pan in the sun on your porch or balcony or whatever.
as they become dry, crumble them up into rice crispies sized pieces.
sprinkle these shell pieces on top of your outdoor plant's root area to deter slugs and mix up the following:

in a saucepan on the stove, simmer

3 cups water
a large handful of peppermint leaves and stems
6 cloves fresh garlic finely minced (no powdered garlic! it doesnt work and clogs your sprayer!)
3 tablespoons (or more) cayenne pepper flakes

simmer for 45 minutes strain through a cloth (piece of old T-shirt works good) let cool and pour into sprayer add 1 tablespoon biodegradable dish soap, top off sprayer with water put on a dust mask and ski goggles (super important) and SPRAY EVERYWHERE!
wash hands thoroughly with soap before touching eyes mouth genitals or butthole (really really hot stuff)

it's non toxic (just spicy as hell) and washes off with water easily do not use on your buds unless you're a masochist. wash any produce before eating. and seriously, wash hands with soap before wiping your ass or holding your dick.

once a week will keep aphids slugs snails and whiteflies in check like a motherfucker.

Warning: may attract Hispanic, Thai, and Punjabi cuisine aficionados. do not store near salsa fixins or noodles and shrimp.

a good spray on your plant's leaves will keep slugs and any other hungry plant eaters at bay. only use it on leaves, dont put it directly in your soil (worms hate this stuff too) and dont spray your buds.

this stuff will protect your plant from every plant eating pest, but some slug bait would be a good idea too. (Sluggetta brand slug bait is safe for pets as long as you keep them inside while actually applying it)


Well-Known Member

Warning: may attract Hispanic, Thai, and Punjabi cuisine aficionados. do not store near salsa fixins or noodles and shrimp.
hahahahaha dr kynes your the shit man. listen to everything in that post though, i highly approve. also, he's a doctor.


Active Member
OK I am broke right now I got anther pot like that 1 that's all and no dirt dig some up from out side? What can I do now with having nothing I wanted to switch to 12/12 but not looking good to do that should I cut off al leaves that has holes or anything wrong with em???

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
OK I am broke right now I got anther pot like that 1 that's all and no dirt dig some up from out side? What can I do now with having nothing I wanted to switch to 12/12 but not looking good to do that should I cut off al leaves that has holes or anything wrong with em???
any dirt from your yard will be infested with slugs as well.

Time to get creative!

if you can find a burlap sack, an navy issue old duffel bag, a 5 gallon bucket, etc etc etc anything that can hold dirt, and sneak off to a vacant lot, "open space" football feild or city park you can jack for some dirt. stir in some crunched up eggshells or broken up concrete debris (calcium carbonate is what you need) or crushed up shells from clams or oysters you can be back in business.

if you can get a 5 gal bucket (less than $3 at lowes or home depot) and drill several holes in the bottom you can grow in that (thats what i use frequently). stolen dirt will work, but you will NEED some slug bait (correys is cheap, sluggetta is safer for pets)

its super important that this plant be in fresh dry dirt with no huge stock of slug eggs. you must do this soon, or it's all over. your current soil is a total loss. its got millions of slug eggs just waiting to hatch and eat your plant.


Active Member
I got a park across the street but it rained all day should I go take the dirt bake it in oven?? Or bake dirt I got and clean roots the way u said??

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you have to trim off the badly damaged fan leaves, and repot this plant in fresh dirt soon or its game over.

for the above hot pepper spray, you can get the ingredients pretty easy and cheap.

peppermint: half the gardens in the country grow this. it can be found in any nursery for $1.50 for a six inch pot of the stuff. plant it in a partly sunny corner of your garden (by a drippy hose faucet is perfect) and you'll never run out. it comes back year after year.

garlic: most 99 cent stores will have fresh garlic for 99 cents.

cayenne pepper flakes: every pizza joint in the civilized world has little packets of the stuff, and they give it away for free with every pie. you can buy it in stores, in the spice section (sometimes just called red pepper flakes) for less than $2

dishsoap: if you dont have this stuff in hand, we have some shit to talk about cowboy...

one quart of this stuff in a spray bottle will tend your plant all the way to harvest.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I got a park across the street but it rained all day should I go take the dirt bake it in oven?? Or bake dirt I got and clean roots the way u said??
if you put dirt in the oven your old lady will KILL YOU! and your neighbors will call the cops! unless it has been raining for weeks straight the soil a few inches down in the park will be perfect for your needs. park dirt is great because it's usually well fertilized, and pest controlled. get some dirt from several inches down from the park (dont get caught!)

trim off the chewed up leaves!
get that plant in something bigger (a stolen trashcan from the park would do, with a bunch of nail holes in the bottom) with fresh dirt as fast as you can