Help! What is wrong with this plant?


Active Member
Hello, I could really use some advice on what might be afflicting this plant. I think it may be a nute burn or possibly lockout. Thanks in advance


Active Member
Hey thanks for the suggestion. I water 200ml once a day, this is a hydroponic medium of 90% coconut fiber and 10% vermiculite for extra drainage. Below are the more specific details from my original post that didn't get any replies:cry:

This is my first attempt at hydroponic growing. My first group of plants are about 12 weeks old from seeds. Out of 11 most look very healthy, but 4 and in particular one have several negative symptoms. Below are pictures of the worst plant, with some plants in the background starting to show problems.

It starts as a yellowing of leaf edges and very slight upwards curling followed by full flushing of yellow and downwards curling then finally brown dead spots.

With some research I first thought it was over-watering, so I added vermiculite to the coconut fiber medium but the symptoms continued to worsen. Now I am thinking it could be a problem with nutrients or water. I used Miracle Grow 30-10-10 in a 1/2 dose and MagiCal calcium, magnesium, and iron supplement (Coconut fiber tends to lose calcium) for the initial two weeks and now I have removed the Miracle Grow. Below is the analysis of my water:

Nitrate: 40ppm
Nitrite: 0
Total Hardness (GH): 300ppm
Total Alkalinity (KH): 160ppm
pH Level: 7

I do not think this is a light issue, I am using 6 T5 vegetative fluorescent tubes 4" from leaves 21/3. Temp 28C. Unsure of humidity. Ventilation and air flow good.

All help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I'm essentially struggling with the same issue. I've drastically lowered ppm to 300 and I think it's doing better (it's been 2 days). I couldn't tell you what was going on with my plant, I think Mg was being locked out due to excessive potassium.

In any case. I'm not pro, but according to my readings, soil fertilizers should not be used for hydroponics. Hydroponics fertilizers come in chelated form which can be used directly by the plant, whereas soil fertilizers first have to either decompose or react with the CO2 being released by the roots. Using soil fertilizers in a hydroponic context might work for a bit but will eventually lead to toxicities as well as deficiencies. (Miracle gro is for soils right?)

What I would do if I were you (and I strongly suggest you get a second opinion on that) is to heavily flush your medium with a balanced 100ppm hydroponic nutrient solution and resume from there, slowly increasing concentration as the plant gets better. That's essentially what I've done and I think it's working (I'll update you on that in the next few days).

To be honest, it's really hard to actually get good advice (or advice at all) on forums, seems people are more talk than anything else. Whatever bro, our boon is that of experience, and soon, you and I shall be smoking the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro if your leaves are going from yellow to brown there's a good chance
there is moisture stress perlit is added
for drainage vermiculite is like a sponge it holds water also when growing with coco it's good to get a agent to flush salts everyniw and the since coco tends to hang
onto them the larger and more roots a plant have the easier it is to overwater them it's hard to overwater a seedling but not a plant tha has a good root foundation