Help!!!!tiny yellow spots attacking me!!!!


I seem to have acquired some tiny yellow spots on almost all of my plants leaves. I haven't the slightest idea what this could be. Well I kind of have an idea but I'm not 100% sure. I "think" it could be one of a few different things. 1) foliar feeding with lights on causing it to get burn spots 2) manganese or magnesium deficiency or 3) nute burn or ph problems. So as you can see I kind of have a clue but I'm in desperste need of some advice from a professional. I will have some close up pics on tommorrow or late tonight. It's sleeping right now.....I started my 12/12 lighting schedule tonight. Today is day #42. It has reached a height of around 12 inches. I want to transplant it in it's own bucket but I'm afraid to do it while it's in this condition. Some help please. Your fellow friend, GANJASMURF. P.S. Is it a boy or girl????

