help six down 2 hanging on !!


Well-Known Member
wonder if any of u experienced growers can help me. germinated 8 seeds in john innings seedling soil in a propagator watered with ph neutral water no nutes, all of them appeared within 4 days and were doing well under a normal table lamp, when true leaves came through i removed lids from prop and set under two ft fluoro fed with 1/4 strength .. alas temps raised in room to 30 c overnight and fried some sorted out temps and they perked back up, ( i have ventilation in room and ventilation goingin as well ) slowly they started drooping so i propped them up with straws and put under a twin fluoro for stronger light about 3" above plants woke up this morn and nightmare only two left they not happy either :( so last resort i have put under the 250 hps at distance of 4 ft hoping they will stretch to light i dont know wat else to do please help id hate these 1s to die 2 :wall:


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you gave them too much nutes too early. Does the soil have nutrients already? What fert did you give them?


Well-Known Member
green dreams less than quarter strength n pk 3.1-1.3-5.1 john innings soil does say with added nutes s**t u think thats it? really appreciate ya help m8 is there owt i can do?