Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

This is Nitrogen deficient. The dead will not come back and it will set you back about 2 weeks for her to recover but she "will" recover at such an early stage. If this was later in her life, it would take so long I would tell you to let her go. good luck!
got rid of all the dead leaves is on a nutrient regime now and will have much better pictures soon its really great how much these plants bounce back


New Member
got rid of all the dead leaves is on a nutrient regime now and will have much better pictures soon its really great how much these plants bounce back
What is better growing?, harvesting? smoking? Noe of the's honoring Mother Ganja in every way especially saving the sick and helpless.

Damn! I sound so sappy sweet tonight, I think I am gonna be sick now...
IMAG0445.jpgIMAG0448.jpg2012-01-13_00-58-38_599.jpgIMAG0449.jpgIMAG0450.jpg2012-01-13_00-58-24_769.jpg sensi star first second and third ..4,5,6 is the vanilla kush.. plants still have a long way to go and even look much better 1 day after these pictures were taken.. just keeps getting better