

Well-Known Member
one of my plants looks like crap plz help tell me whats going on!!

just trans planted into bigger cups could this be root damage??


Active Member
well if you have drain holes, in your pot that and a fan because you wait to long you will start killing to roots(root rot),done it myself, what I do now is by weight, what I mean by weight is i lift the pot if it has weight in the bottom even though the soil looks dry you dont picking up the pot evryday and feeling the weight you gan tell when to add water and how much...


Well-Known Member
ya i just made a new watering system so thats prob watering to much need to the time down. so if i put a fan pointed at the roots it will make it dry out?


Junior Creatologist
hell yeah dude. problem solved for sure - wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much water. theyll forgive u man trust me. just a rookie mistake, we all make them. im a rook too n ive had this same prob a couple times. youll be ok, just let them bitches dry up - youll wake up one morning n theyll be all perky n nice again. dont worry too much :D


Active Member
I have only been growing 2 years, had some screw-ups and then when it all comes together its great, if you let it dry out with the fan pointed at the soil and you have a good root system to begin with should pull through,,watch for mold and wilt,if you see it at that point its a goner,mold spreads dont want to kill the other plants.. there alot of people on here with more knowledge then me,hopefully someone has a idea,goodluck, just remember if the leaves are green and the stocks are firm on the fan leaves and there hanging down too much water,if they look the same but the fan leaves are floppy and looks wilted ad water.... Can you transplant to a bigger pot with more dirt to absorb the excess water,,that just poped into my head...


Well-Known Member
Never point a fan constantly at your plant. It will cause wind burn. Its like the plant is always in a hurricane. The overwatering is causing your plant to suffocate from the roots not getting air. Use an OSCILLATING FAN on low, DO NOT water. You could LIGHTLY mist the leaves with only water several times a day for a few days. You should have transplanted when the plant was young and small into the BIG container that would be their last move. This plant is also in transplant shock ,,, move the lights away some for a week and let the plant relax and get comfy in its new home.


Active Member
crossed a purple urkle with a blue cheese, then back crossed with a purple kush, got seeds and now my plants all have this trait of tri-nodes at veg then it acts as though you topped it, and grows a seperate new main stock,,dont know about the weed or the high the smell or even the time frame. not sure if i should cut the off shoot and clone it or kill the plant and destoy the seeds..



Well-Known Member
You NEVER transplant while in bud mode!!!!!!! The plants energy is supposed to be producing BUDS, not ROOTS!!!!!!!!! You have stunted your buds, til the roots have grown. Really, without being harsh, BUY A GROW BOOK AND READ IT TWICE!!! Science is correct, peoples opinions vary and some people just spew wivestales. If you're not an experienced grower you can't tell what is BULLSHIT and what is FACT. Please read first, then you can weed out the junk advice. I've been growing for 25 yrs now and I am no expert, just experienced. I see a lot of misinformation on these sites AND a lot of GREAT info. My experience lets me know the difference. If you read, you will know too