Help plz in need of important info


Well-Known Member
hi people

ok lets get straight to the problem

my plant is outgrowing my grow box lol, is there anyway i can bend the plant?? or do i have to get a bigger box?

any help would be appriciated thx


Active Member
yea it sucks, but did u have to post that? do u have a solution?
I don't know WTF he posted that. I am new to growing also but, I do know you can bend a plant but that depends on whether you have room horizontally and if it contiues to grow on an angle if it will still be under the light. Anyway to do it you have to squeeze the spot on the cneter stem ever so slightly where you want it to bend and kinda let fall over slighty and stake it loosely with a twist tie and a piece of wood. HOWEVER, THIS IS ON WHAT I HAVE SEEN IN A GROW VIDEO AND AM PASSING THIS INFO. ON TO YOU IF THE SACRED CHRONIC IS DAMAGED IN THE PROCEES DON'T BLAME ME, EVEN BETTER WAIT FOR A SECOND OPINION BEACUAE I AM ONLY 90% SURE THIS WILL BE 100% EFFECTIVE 50% OF THE TIME ...LOL THAT LAST PART WAS SOME STONER HUMOUR.

Happy Growing Bro


Well-Known Member
thx for the info, yea i did that and it worked luckly my stem was not too hard to it could be bent, now its fine thx