Help Pleeeesseeeee - PICS


Active Member
These are clones of my mother plant, They were cloned two week ago. Planted in Nature Blend with Alfalfa and Humate. Also when I planted then I added some worm casing, about 2 tablespoon fulls. They get watered when soil is dry with rain water that has been boiled.

Do I need to replant in different soil or what nutes do I need to add (if any)

Check PH of water and its 7.0 before watering and run off is also at 7.0. Not sure what is wrong. I have them under 12 26watt( 100watt equal. CFL's. Room temp is around 80 and humidity is about 75%. Fan blowing to stir the air around. they are on 18/6 cycle.

What is wrong with them if you know, I dont want to lose these as this wass some really good smoke. Dont know the strain as it was bag seed.

Currently the only plant food I have is Schults - 10-15-10. Please Help


Cheese x Kush

Active Member
Yea they are burning bro !!!!

If you have not used any nutes yet it must be in the soil ..

Flush them and do not use any nutes untill they recover


Well-Known Member
First off follow everyones advice above, also you schults plant food is a nutrient or nute, so flush and retry, maybe the soil is too acidic being cow shit in all
Those leaves are burned from over nuting even. good luck and keep them alive