Help Please


Well-Known Member
So my landlord who I know has decided to install insulation, this is great, but my grow room is in the way. Fortunately its in a tent, so I can shut it down.

Im going to be about two weeks into flowering. When the workers come to do the insulation it will be night time for the ladies, so they need somewhere dark, and there's nowhere to set my tent up in the house.

I do have a chest freezer that's not running power at the moment. if I put them in that would it hide the smell, they will be working around it


Well-Known Member
Depends on how many you are talking about. Whatever you do, you will want to move them out of the area at least 6 hours or so before the workers come. When you move the plant it will smell the whole room up for a little while.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Put an Ona block in the freezer and you should be fresh and air tight.

Just make sure they don't decide to check what you got good for dinner.


Well-Known Member
ive only got 4 plants, they should fit in it no problems, as its quite a large freezer.

I was just worried about smell getting out, as some of the seals are a bit old.

I can put a padlock on the freezer and then I was just going to stack the crap in the way, on top of the freezer.