help please

ima newbie that just started i have 2 4inch pots my meduim for now is mg and my nuts or genaral organics i need help my seedling has been growing for like 3 weeks going on 4 i havent gave nuts yet but im thinking bout doing it today my plants are about 2-3 inchs or 4 inchs high im growing (for now) under 4 cfl 26watt bulbs i want to swithch 2 a hid soon can some one help me out please and i also have foxfarm light warrior but i haven't use it yet​


Most MG soil has some nutes in it that will last a little while up to 3 months for some 6 for others, check the packaging. I wouldn't set my watch by it though just like most profit seeking companies the exaggerate some. 4 weeks are still pretty young, if they seem healthy they probably are. Don't be in to much of a hurry to feed, lower wattage grows tend to feed less, so they wont just die one day ;). Just keep watch for any deficiencies and start nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 strength. I assume you want to transplant to larger pots at some point, just watch for roots at the drainage holes. You can probably go through week 6 in four inch pots.

Make sure they get some fresh air to like a little fan. They like what we like.


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Hi to all. Live in Kelowna bc, Willing to help anyone, just email me . Also travel around western canada,on a regular basis, Edmonton Calgary, Fort McMurray ,Saskatoon, Regina,Kamloops. 25 years exprience, however still learning. Maybe I can help you out Maybe you can help me.
Very discrete, trust worthy.