Help please


Ok, here goes. I'm an American thats been kinda stuck in Germany for almost a year now and I decided to get my feet wet growing. Started from seed in December I have had 2 Super lemon haze and one White domina under CFL's vegging. I had planned to flower em beginning this April but found out I'm going back to the states on the 24th so not enough time to see any harvest for me I just let em keep vegging. I have a buddy here who didn't know anything about my grow til I basically said here's 3 plants let's find a good spot to plant em and see what you get. We've located a good spot for em (actually 3 seperate spots, one for each plant) and since it seems like wer'e past the last frost in central Germany now is a good time for em to go outside. Sorry for the novel but I thought folks might like a backstory on my babies. I'm going to take some pics of them now and next post youll see em and I'll throw out my numerous questions. :)


K back with pics, First two are the SLH they are both about 2-3 ft tall now and still in those small 3 gallon pots and to top it off I didn't fill up the pots entirely so they are in about 1.5-2 gallons of soil max. The third is the white domina who grew practically straight up no branching with just like a coating of small leaves over the whole thing. I started supercropping her about 3 weeks ago and now she has 3 main cola's (pic 4) and I just did her again after the pics so she'll have like 5 after that. I'm positive they are all very rootbound, I've been giving them liquid nutes in the form of Bio-Grow and they seem to grow ok besides the issue of fan leaves wilting and dying now that they are bound up. K now for my questions.

1. What kind of prep should I give them before the tansition, they have been getting 24/7 light from CFL's as of now. Should I ween em off the 24/7 over the next few days? We have roughly 14 hours daylight atm in Germany.
2. Are they gonna flower because of the drop in light or will they wait til fall now when the light gets below 12/12.
3. These Super lemon haze are supposed to double or triple in flower, given the 6 more months of veg time and then flower are they gonna be like 9 foot monsters?
4. When we plant I'm going to dig about a 5 gal bucket size out and fill it with loosely packed potting soil so they have room to get stronger roots before needing to root through native soil. Since they are rootbound should I just plop em in as a ball and minimize the stress to the plant in it's new home or should I cut a line through the roots 1/4 inch or so to promote more lateral root growth (think I read that in a rootbound artice by UB).
5. Is there anything I can do to help discourage natural preditors like putting down mothballs or cedar chips or hang a bug zapper from it or something.

They will be going back like once a week at first to lightly water with nutes and then like once a month to check on em and nute em up. Come closer to flower time they will also return to the weekly schedule to apply bloom/veg nute mixture and to check for infestations. You don't know how badly I wanna see these babies bloom but once I get home to the U.S. I'll have an MJ card and a legal grow room to show off. So wish me luck folks and thanks for the help in advance you guys rock.


Well, not a whole lot of advice here. I guess I'm gonna give them 8 hours of dark tonight to get em used to it.


Well, they went out into the wild yesterday. I checked on the one that was closest to the house today at about noon and she looks a little droopy but otherwise in good shape for her first night in the cold. She did turn a dark dark dark green tho, she was kinda light green last night when she went in but now verry dark, I assume the cold tringered some kinda response. I'm gonna check on them though this week and then just pray that they survive long enough to get some pics later from my buddy. I'd still like answers to a couple of those questions I posted if anyone knows what to expect from em.
Id suggest putting a wire cage around them to keep the varmints out, I think they will be fine, if they do start flowering , inwhich I doubt, theres still no harm done.


Well-Known Member
1. Likely, the plants will only show sex. They will shoot out a lot of pistils, but so long as they are not introduced to 12 hours of dark, they shouldn't completely flower. Plants show sex at sexual maturity, and with photoperiod.
2. See 1.
3. They will be very, very large. Likely surpassing 9ft if you find a good location. I don't know at all what the weather is like in Germany, but if the summers are temperate to hot with lots of sunny days, they'll be huge.
4. My recommendation for any hole in the ground would be between 2 cubic feet and 3 cubic feet (1 cubic meter). Potting soil will work great. Leave the rootball as is, don't want to give it unnecessary stress.
5. Mothballs and Irish Spring soap if you can find it. Any Strong, unnatural manmade scents seem to work, barsoap just takes a while to dissolve so it seems to be the best bet. Circle the area your plant is in, try not to get it too close to the plants.
And with a plant that big, I dunno if once a week will do the job. In early-to-mid summer, if it doesn't rain, I have to give my plants a gallon of water a day. Once a month can almost guarantee disaster. See if your buddy can't get there more often.


I wish they would but they are a lil paranoid about people seeing them walking to it too much. They have agreed to once a week throughout and if it doesn't rain for a week they will go every other day til it does. Thanks for responding, I was kinda wondering if anyone would :)