Help please.

A very strange grassy leaf.. single little leaf is coming out of the node (not the internodial branch.. this is where the sexual organ appears). Wtf does it mean?


New Member
you pic is a little blurry so i cant really tell if thats what it is or if its a new top u got coming out there, but i dont think it any sign of what sex it is
It's separarte from the stigma and it's coming out of the internodial bottom part of the branch. There is all ready a shoot coming out the branch. onesec.
on all my plants there sex is beginning to show but on this one specially it's a long leaf coming out and I get really close to it with a mag glass and it almost looks like two teeny tiny little white hairs coming out of it.


New Member
yea thats wiered how it coming out another leaf, maybe it going to grow another top outa that spot, but if u see white hairs on it just wait and see what it does.