HELP PLEASE: Yellowing Leaves with spots


Well-Known Member
My plant is 2 1/2 months old and tomorrow will be 3 weeks into flowering. I know in flowering yellowing leaves occur, but I'm not so sure about the spots that are forming. The spots occur first in the leaves and then they turn yellow outwards from the spots. I'm thinking a nute def, but not quite sure exactly what it is. I did a Mg and P feeding a couple days ago at 1/4 strength and to no avail, it actually is getting worse. I need to be pointed into the right way as to stop the spotting from happening. Is it a K deficiency? Someone let me know.



Well-Known Member
Maybe if it's in flowering you could feed'em a full dose of nutrients~
But I don't know how you're growing or how or whatever you have been
feeding:eyesmoke: A pic of the whole plant might help with a better diagnoses
or might not:lol: Do you test your water/nutes with ppm/ph tester?
This is very helpful in growing:lol:


Well-Known Member
It was originally an outdoor for vegging and brought indoors for flowering. I used bat guano as a tea for the P. And I used some epsom salt for the Mg. The picture of the whole plant is included[she is about 5 foot tall]. It doesn't look that bad at all from a perspective of the whole plant, but the spotting isn't normal in flowering and I don't want it to spread. And no I haven't checked the ppm or ph. I do have a little CO2 generator I made out of a litre soda bottle with about a cup of sugar to 1/8 cup of yeast. So it produces but not so much that the ppm would be out of control. The ph is probably high, I'm using the tap water out of the sink, but I'll let it sit in the open for 24 hrs at the minimum before I use it, so I know all the chlorine has evaporated out of it. Do I necessarily need a soil ph tester or could I use a ph tester I have for my marine aquarium?



Well-Known Member
Okay so I went and bought a soil ph test kit that came along with NPK test as well.

Ph: 6.2
N: Low [I don't need the N anymore after flowering right?]
P: High
K: Low [Should I just get some Potash to bring it up?]

If I get Potash and bring up K, the spots would probably disappear correct? If not, then it would have to be some other deficiency.


im going thru the same thing rite now..just feed a very low dose of n. rich nutes and give her a blast of c02..thats what i did and my girl is lookin much better..i over fed it first and it caused nute burn on my already yellowing leaves..but i flushed and restarted feeding in low doses..its all good now!


Well-Known Member
Yes you still need N in flower but not too much. They need more P and K during flower. It all depends on what your using for nutes. You probably have a couple of deficiencies going on. Give it a normal feeding(by normal I mean what it says on the package) and see if that helps. If not you'll probably have to flush and start over with small feedings. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Thank you CS and JP. The CO2 I have is made out of a litre soda bottle so it produces nonstop for about 10 days and then I make up another batch. But a low dose of N..that should do it for the yellowing and the spots? The P I'm using is Happy Frog's Bat Guano 0-5-0 and I did that at 1/4 strength a couple days ago. K, I don't have any nutes for that, so I'll make it priority to grab some Potash and add that as soon as possible. For N, I was using Miracle Grow Organic Choice 8-0-0. Times are a little tough right now, so I have to make do with what I have. I'll use the MG Organic Choice at 1/2 strength today so I don't burn the lady. I'll keep you guys updated and hopefully this cures her. +rep to you both.


i have found that grinding up alfalfa into almost powder and sprinkiling over topsoil is an exelent source of nutes. just make sure its all for following nute directions on the package..thats how i almost killed my plant..always start with less..and add as you go if needed. i use shultz 10-15-10 and only about a 1/3rd of the recommended dose. as for the co2..i have the same setup..i run 3 of them in my flower room, they work great! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Alright sammy. Shultz? I was thinking of just getting Muriate of Potash 0-0-60 and using only like 1/8 or 1/4 strength, since I have the other nutes already. But I'll definitely look into Shultz. How much does it run for at the store? The Muriate of Potash for a 5lb bag, I could get for less than $5.


Well-Known Member
Well turns out they upped the price on my K. 4lb bag for $6.49 before taxes. I think I'll just get it though. The Shultz might be better for me to get, but like I've said, since I've already got the N and P nutes, I might as well just get K nutes instead of 3-in-1 like the Shultz. I'd be able to control my nutes better separately anyways. Just hit my girl with a low dose of N. 1/4 tsp in 6 cups of water [normal is 1/2 tsp], so I used 1/2 strength. She's pretty big, so I don't think 1/2 strength will hurt her. And sammy, I check out the grow and commented.:weed:


Well turns out they upped the price on my K. 4lb bag for $6.49 before taxes. I think I'll just get it though. The Shultz might be better for me to get, but like I've said, since I've already got the N and P nutes, I might as well just get K nutes instead of 3-in-1 like the Shultz. I'd be able to control my nutes better separately anyways. Just hit my girl with a low dose of N. 1/4 tsp in 6 cups of water [normal is 1/2 tsp], so I used 1/2 strength. She's pretty big, so I don't think 1/2 strength will hurt her. And sammy, I check out the grow and commented.:weed:
ya kno!?!..i never thought of that..using different nutes separately to control each of them..i think im going to ditch the shultz and try your method!


Well-Known Member
do you have all the micro nutes...

wait a sec do you use shultz.... 1tsp of commercial fertalizer like miracle grow and shults is half strength.... the main problem is your plant has been starving for a bit


Well-Known Member
ya kno!?!..i never thought of that..using different nutes separately to control each of them..i think im going to ditch the shultz and try your method!
Yeah I went and got my last nute I needed, hit her with it as a matter of fact this morning. Give it a week and see how she does.

do you have all the micro nutes...

wait a sec do you use shultz.... 1tsp of commercial fertalizer like miracle grow and shults is half strength.... the main problem is your plant has been starving for a bit
No I don't use shultz. I sort of figured she was starving due to I have never given her any nutes whatsoever up until recently. It's bagseed, so I'm not really worried about how much she will yield because she is my trial and error grow. I have some BlackJack seeds from Nirvana that I am waiting to grow until I get everything organized and the box ready, so I'm sticking out this grow in hopes to gain some more knowledge before I put both feet in. These are the nutes I am using.

N: Miracle Grow Organic Choice [8-0-0]
P: Happy Frog Bat Guano [0-5-0]
K: Muriate of Potash [0-0-60]

I think my P and K nutes are fine, should I switch my N nute to something else? I really don't want to use commerical nutes, but I had a bottle of it laying around so I figured, why not? Also, where did you get those photos from? A website? If so, let me know the site, that is an awesome reference chart.
My plant isnt in flowering, and i feed it miracle grow once a week as directed, it now has yellow/brown tips..and the leaves are much fert? not enough? or what?CIMG1413.jpg


Well-Known Member
alright before i tell you about the npk, i gotta say something, commercial nutes use NH3 urea nitrogen, the hydro nutes use NH3 urea nitrogen, my piss 50-0-0 is urea NH3 nitrogen. don't get caught up in the snake oil, its all npk. "organic soil" like FoxFarm uses NH2 slow release, its slow cuz the mico herd has to procces it, but after they do it comes out as NH3. its all the same molecule so dont pay more than you should. the fertilizer companies have hyped up this crap so much, you should never trust a buisnesst, they are a buisness and a businesse's soul purpose is to make money, and spending a little on propaganda can boost sales a lot.... and thats what business is all about.

a very good ratio is balanced and half strength, fed every other watering. by half strength i mean stuff with a npk around 10-10-10. any more or less results in smaller and slower growth.
an even better npk ratio is one that leans towards K, k regulates water(essential for uptake of other nutes) and it controls the fruits mass, density and taste.

use you miracle grow at full strength = 8 - 0 - 0
use that happy frog guano at 1.5x full strength = 0 -7.5- 0
use the muriate of potash at 1/4 strength = 0 - 0 - 15
total npk ratio = 8-7.5-15 (very good, use every other watering)


Well-Known Member
with a diet leaning towards k like that, you'll get almost 2 new sets of fan leaves a day! usual its about ~1 set a day