HELP! Plant turning yellow, dying fast!


Thanks to all for checking my post.

OK, I've got a plant about 4 weeks into flowering, and its leaves are turning yellow fast. Not just at the bottom, all of them. I tried adding water, then a day later some nutrients with nitrogen, but it seems to be getting worse no matter what.

I'm only a few weeks from harvest and I dont want this plant to die now!!!
I'm thinking of just harvesting it now, before the buds die, because ALL the leaves are turning so yellow and even brown on the edges and its happening so fast.

I have 5 other plants in the same grow room, none of them are suffering from this and all have received the same water, nutrients, etc...

If anyone has any advice , PLEASE let me know.


weird how only one did it when they all got the same nutes and nurturing could b alot of different things if its only a week or to away id just pull it !! better than havin it rot on ya


I'm gonna harvest it tomorrow unless I get some plant genius to help me cure it fast. Thanks for the advice, bro.


Well-Known Member
Pictures would help a lot. Is it the whole plant, or mainly just fan leaves? The research I have done says that some of this is normal as you approach harvest. My first few plants did it a lot, and early, but I suspect that was because I cut back on nutes and flushed. Last few I have used nutes longer and it still happens, but much later and much less.


Unfortunately my camera doesnt work well around my lights, so pictures dont turn out too well.

All the leaves are turning yellow, but it is effecting the fan leaves the most. They are turning yellow and developing brown spots. The leaves started curling downwards first while turning yellow, now the l;eaves are really going fast. I'll harvest tomorrow unless I can figure something out.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Some strains just do that and want a little more N. If it is just the fan leaves I wouldn't worry. If the buds start turning yellow then maybe you should worry. heh

I have a Pineapple Express yellowing out on me too at 5 weeks in and I feed it pretty good. The buds keep on growing and getting fatter and look healthy so I am not worried.


I have no idea, I have no Ph tester. Unless theres some kind of miracle I'm gonna harvest that plant tomorrow. All the leaves are turning yellow. The ones around the buds are still fairly green, but they are truning too. I'll just harvest and take what I can get before it dies and rots away.

Thanks for the response.
I have no idea, I have no Ph tester. Unless theres some kind of miracle I'm gonna harvest that plant tomorrow. All the leaves are turning yellow. The ones around the buds are still fairly green, but they are truning too. I'll just harvest and take what I can get before it dies and rots away.

Thanks for the response.
pH is vital. Get a meter.

Is this soil or hydro? What is your water type? city, well etc?
We can't help if you don't give us details.

Imagine dropping your car off to an auto shop and saying "here fix it" then walking out. In order for the guy to properly diagnose your car you'll need to provide specific details.