HELP!!! Plant Problem


Active Member
Okay so my plant is drooping like it is over watered i beleive i did over water it once and it still has not came back and the soil was a little dry so i gave a little nutes and water with carefully sighted ph I just watered today. HELP anyone???



Well-Known Member
might be pH also. your top seems to be affected by a ph problem. so again check drenage. flush with 5.6 water. and dont water for the next week till you feel that your plant needs nutes.
stick your finger down about two inches and if it is at all most you need to relax on watering. the roots need to periodically dry out this will promote strong healthy root growth. your plants do not need water as badly as you think they do. Just keep tabs on it and it should bounce back. It could also be your water source i would check the PH it should be around 5 if its not i would get a reservoir for you water and treat it with PH up or down which you can find at your local Hydro shop or online.


Active Member
Yea my soil was dry like three inches down???? And i think it is a ph problem and i think it is making a nute lock cause the leaf pic you can see the lightness of the inner leaf which i could be wrong but a calcium Defficiency??
IDK but all i do know is there is something very wrong.