Help, plant is very smelly!


Well-Known Member
Bigger fan and bigger filter will help improve it. Ona Gels work great. You could get yourself some air freshners that you use in the house with auto spray timers on it.


Well-Known Member
is there anyway you can hang the filter so it dosnt take up any floor space in the room. Do you have a intake fan because sometimes when more pressure is coming in than going out it will find another way. And ONA is a good idea as well I use carbon filter/fan combo and out side room I use ONA to help catch anything the filter misses. Oh yea almost forgot how is you humidity because those filters don't work as good when humidity is to high


Well-Known Member

I had a couple of those same filters and they are not the greatest.

I'm assuming your in flower, try and get your humidity to 40 percent or so. As said, high humidity really makes the scent stronger.

I use a phat filter now and leaps and bounds better than those cheap Chinese ones.

If I were you I would try a decent sized phat or phresh carbon filter and go from there.