Help! Plant Found in my Backyard!


Well-Known Member
personally i wouldn't bother with bubble bags for a male, they have a very small amount of thc so there not that usefull, here's hoping its a female or at least a hermie...:-?
it'll be a good experience either way.
how long till you get 12/12 light dark where your living?


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, Check it out the Story Starts like this... I'm PLayinG MetalGearSolid4 on my Ps3 wen my Mom calls me out to the garden to show me a Pot
sorry, u r dumb mother fucker... im sitting here in front of my computer and typing on keyboard this shit. ya!


Well-Known Member
^ what the hell is that supposed to mean. i agree those bags can get expencive. i would make some brownies or something cheap with it. but think positive " it`s a girl"


Active Member
oh dont get me wrong i'm hopeful i just was curious about that bubble hash. i caught a hightimes artical an the fresh unpressed hash looked soooooooo god damn Delightful figured worse case senairio its a male would I (Hypotheticaly) make some of the BrownSugar. NAhm SAYIN!:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
I'd continue to let Rhasta Mum tend to it. Then, when the weather dictates, I'd dig it up and move it inside to bloom by a bright S.E. window (assuming it's female). I've moved plants several times by digging and, while one may lose a few leaves to shock, most of the plants have gone on to produce nice, natural harvests ripe around Boxing Day. (around XMas)
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Active Member
I brought the PLant inside. it was getting pretty big an my ma sed it was fuckin up her basil. idk if its gunna get enough light so i'm thinkin move it outside in the day, an bring it in at night.


Well-Known Member
sorry, u r dumb mother fucker... im sitting here in front of my computer and typing on keyboard this shit. ya!
what the hell is this fuck-tard talkin about. why don't you try not talkin for a while, maybe sit the next couple of rounds out champ.

your plant is looking great bro, just give her all the love that she(praying) needs, and she will reward you with her goodies. good luck


Well-Known Member
I brought the PLant inside. it was getting pretty big an my ma sed it was fuckin up her basil. idk if its gunna get enough light so i'm thinkin move it outside in the day, an bring it in at night.
Tell your Mom you'll buy her as much basil as she wants at the local store. The plant seems happy there. Don't shock it or you could influence it to go hermie.


Active Member
Tell your Mom you'll buy her as much basil as she wants at the local store. The plant seems happy there. Don't shock it or you could influence it to go hermie.
Oh God ! IDK What to Do!?!
What Do I look For? Whats Gunna Happen? Will I still get bud?
Can I stop it? OMG!
Whuddu I Do Wuddu I Do Wuddu I DOOOO!
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Well-Known Member
well you can leave it outside and let it bud in it's own time( when you get around 12-14 hours of dark a night that should send it into flowering stage)
or you can pull it out of the ground being verty careful not to disturb the roots and place inside in complete darkness for 12 hours a night 12 hours outside.
good luck


Active Member
Well I def see signs of shock. i go leaves dyin an fallin off... lossing a bunch of leaves bringing it in and out. most of the mass is up top. really looks like a tree.


Active Member
have you fed her any nutes?
yeaa... i just cant seem to get it enough light... carryin it in an out seems to do more damage then it could be worth soo i just keep it in window light as much as possible. i'm savin up for a lil 6cup dro system wit lights included for nex round