Help/opinions about lights.


Active Member
Ok so im new, hence the posting in the newbie section. I have a few questions about lighting, and I hope I am not too high to be able to relate them to you. but we'll see. anyhow on to the good stuff...

so i found a grow system in the attic of my house. i dont know where or why or how but heres what i found: 1 hood+1hps bulb 400w with a 400w hps ballast. the ballast says its from sunlight supply, but other than that the system just looks old. I also found a ballast labeled 400w mh from sunlight supply, looked to be of the same make model/year etc as the hps. unfortunately i found no hood or bulb to accompany the MH ballast. Now knowing my supplies we can go on to my question. With my current setup, what would be the most efficient/cheapest way to setup a veg/flower grow. my only real reservations are that i dont want to just use HPS all the way through, I'd like to have something in the range of 5k-6.5k for my vegging and part of flowering.
at the moment i see a couple options, and here is where you come in. if you have any input/advice/other options please feel free to share. anything i can learn or absorb is helpful.
my options seem to go as follows:
1. buy some new hps bulbs, and try and find a hood and mh bulbs to match the ballast i already have.
2. stick with hps with flowering but invest in a whole new cfl setup for vegging.
3. (and this is where im kinda lost/not well versed in the technology) ive seen ads of MH conversion bulbs, ones i could just pop into the hps setup and run. now i dont know much about the technology but i believe thats how they work. if im incorrect, please let me know. these bulbs seem to be pretty expensive and id like to know if it is worth it/how well they actually work.

anyways those are just a couple of the main options i have as i see it. im hoping that with the extensive reading and the help of folks on this forum i can find the best/most economic way to get started. thanks for reading if you made it this far.


Mr Bomb

Active Member
Your post is too long for me. Sorry I cant help you. Shorten it up and you might get more responses.


Active Member
Your post is too long for me. Sorry I cant help you. Shorten it up and you might get more responses.
fair nuff. that being said, if you'd like to offer your opinion on what the cheapest/most efficient light setup with be, bearing in mind I already have a 400w hps setup for flowering. open to any and all suggestions.


Active Member
There is a fine line between having a long drawn out post that people don't want to finish and having a short post with not enough info. Your post was long and drawn out without enough info.

Stop being lazy and do some more of your own research. Go to the growroom setup forum and read threads there.

If you spend the time researching instead waiting for responses, you could have answered all your own questions.


Active Member
There is a fine line between having a long drawn out post that people don't want to finish and having a short post with not enough info. Your post was long and drawn out without enough info.

Stop being lazy and do some more of your own research. Go to the growroom setup forum and read threads there.

If you spend the time researching instead waiting for responses, you could have answered all your own questions.
thanks for your useless information. im still struggling to understand where all the negativity on this forum comes from. let me put it in simple terms so you can stop getting your little pink panties in a bunch: I have done the research, i know what setup I would like to use, I posted this on a public forum to see what someone other than myself could come up with. As this is in the newbie section, I am simply asking if someone with EXPERIENCE can shine a light on some of the positives and negatives they have experienced using various light configurations over the years. All I am hoping to gain out of this thread is perhaps some advice on avoiding mistakes that have already been made. If you have nothing constructive to say about my shit, dont say anything. you didnt have to click on this thread, you ddint have to read my post, and you sure as shit dont need to write a long as post just to tell me you think im lazy. I assure you i am not "sitting here waiting for responses". ive got better things to do. not to mention ive already read those threads in the grow room section, for that matter most of the sections i have read now. including 2 indoor grow books. just because i have the information does not necessarily mean I know what the best method is.