Help On the Design of the Grow Room


Active Member
It would be helpful if someone could give me some tips on how i should go about starting my grow room. the pictures show my closet. it is around 7 feet high, and the floor space is about 1 and a half feet X 2 feet 4 inches. the closet has remnovable drawers, and the pieces of the wood in the middle will be removed. i have never attempted to grow. the door is already vented. I was planning on buying the single set waterfarm hydroponic system, and buying a 250 watt mh light and hps light. i am going to line the walls with mylar. here are some questions i have:
-is 250 watts a sufficient amount of light for the room?
-does the ballast of the lights make noise?
-will the room need a fan, even though there is ventalation on the door?
-will the plant make my entire room smell?
-does the waterfarm system make noise?
-is it enough room to grow a decently large plant?
-with the amount of space and light, how big of plant could i grow, and around how much good stuff would it yield?

if anyone has any seggestions it would be greatly appreciated if you shared them with me. thanks



New Member
1 . yes a slight hum
2. yes it will get hot... unless those vents work really well
3. yes....
4. no idea..
5. should be....

other thoughts = a nice light in there will illuminate that whole thing... light will come out of every crack... if thats an issue... get panda film over those holes and weatherproof the edges


Well-Known Member
thats a good idea you can get the 1 bucket system for one plant and it will fill the whole space. you may want a light with flanges that make it air coolable with a fan that way you can suck the heat out.



Active Member
thanks for the help....i'm thinking about buying one of those high tech fans to put infront of the closet to eliminate the smell. i could set it so it would turn and blow into the closet. just thought i'd share that with youaalll


New Member
you always want a bigger exaust then intake... that way it helps you control odor with negative pressure inside your grow space.... if i were you i'd seal up those front vents... to keep light and smell in... then put a 4-5 inch hole in the side of your closet and stick a 110 Cfm carbon filter in there.... that way all your air comes out smelling clean... also cool grow room and no light polution...... also i would section off a small top area 1-2 ft and keep a mother and clones up there under a small cfl... with a bottom section about 5 ft with a mh/hps light that flowers your plants... also i would get some of that wood shit thats in your way outa there... and yea a air coolable hood or a cooltube is a good investment... cooler+ closer = more light = bigger tighter buds


Active Member
If you want i can personally solve all of your problems and save you money.
I bought a system from hydroponic Homes Inc. I bought a grow box and i love it thats why i advertise their items. But anyways they sell closet Kits. If you buy a 250 watt light air coolable thats going to cost you at least 100 150 bucks and the waterfarm is 49.95 so your looking at around 200-250 depending on the fan you buy. plus nutrients timers etc. Hydroponic Homes offers a closet kit thats a 7 plant drip system it compact about 1'Lx8"Wx6"H that will give you more grow hieght and a 150 watt air coolable light which is more than sufficient for 7 plants in a compact space.(a 250 watt would be overkill in a compact arear, the heat would fry your plants) A timer, Ph kit, Nutrients, and Tds meter. for $225 plus shipping. and the flange is like 10-15 bucks and the fan is about 25-35 im not sure but the kit is 225 i got the catalog right here. But check out the kit is the same system that came im my mini fridge the dormoponic. They also offer smell reducing products such as carbon filters, ona block, and ozone generators.


Active Member
Oh ya and an easy cool light relector or anything like that would be way too big for a space like that the light that comes in that kit is a Mini Floralux its all in one with the ballast connected to the back so its easily portable.