Help on stealth growing in an apartment

I'm looking to grow a half pound to a pound as a medical marijuana patient. But apartments seem sketchy when it comes to growing. If I were to use a grow tent and carbon filter will that be enough for the smell especially around harvest time? And even though electricity is separate should I take precautions to how much I'm using? Any advice helps thanks



Well-Known Member
you can pull a half off a 400 wich is no power at all and the carbon filter will mask smell 4-6" should do.. you biggest battle will be making sure temps are good if the room is not over 80 where the tent will be then you should be good run lights at night to keep heat down if it will be a problem other wise you will be good i have pulled out of apartments before just keep it small..


Well-Known Member
how can i go by setting up a perpetual tent with a 400 watt? how many plants can i do