HELP!!nutrients r knockn ph dwn so low cant get em back up

this is my first using general hydroponics flora micro,gro & bloom with sum moab,,also sumtimes i throw n sum botanicare calmag..i jus got a digital ph pen so am sure im at 6.5 when i start.after adding the nutrients{micro first,then gro,then bloom,then moab.calmag last}ph drops to 5.3....& after adding bout 35 drops of ph up,only raised to 5.6,i believe........sumone wanna gimme sum ideas,solutions or opinions??,,,,,ALL FEEDBACK APPRECIATED GREATLY..... :idea:??


Well-Known Member
ph ur water before you add it, and flush with a more basic solution till u get ur ph back up to mid to low 6's


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly, when I used the GH line-up and distilled, adding he nutes usually balanced the pH out all by itself. (Of course with time it fluctuated as plant took up nutes.)


So what's dropping it? It's not the Flora series so it must be either the "moab" or "calMg" (never used either) but I have used the GH series. Lower the dose of the one that is taking it down. You can add Silica also, it'll raise you pH.
Tap water? Bottles water? What is the startin ph of your water? And what do the bites drop it to? How strong are you feeding?


Active Member
Yeah, this is why you need to start off with fewer nutrients than the bottles say.

And I think that you need to ease things up as you go. I do that when I go with Advanced Nutrients...even though I KNOW they work.

The pH Perfect lineup is something you might want to try. Don't want to knock your brand, but I think you might want to check something new out after you try to adjust things with the dosage.

If you don't like the results the second time around, you should really go with AN...


Active Member
Yeah i hate fukn with PH levels.. your either too high or too low.. and im impatient adjusting it so it takes me longer caz i fuck it up.. patience is the key..