help needed


I have noticed allot of police helicopters flying around my town (3-4 times within a week) and they seem to be looking for cannabis farms, this has spooked me allot (im in the UK), i have now cut down 2 plants early so i have under 5 plants but i am very worried my grow room has been seen.
The temp inside the room can vary but it never gets above 80c, less than half that most the time.

1 - should i be worried if police seem to be floating about allot?
2 - what would happen if i did get caught? (i got clean criminal record and im 19 years old)
3 - how will police know if its personal use? i have a few CFL's, dont have much fancy stuff.

i love cannabis as it helps me with food intake, if i dont smoke i dont tend to eat much, before i started smoking i was bordering anorexia and it was affecting me at work, i use to get the odd blackout from food deficiency and do not trust man made tablet's/drugs.

thanks people.

just want to grow for myself and not have the fear of losing everything in my life that means something to me, especially my partner of 5 years.
but you are munchign on cheese, or so your location says. Pictures will prove your anorexia.

Dont worry bout them choppers they are looking for the big fish not the little guys.


Well-Known Member
We have'em flying around too but I believe they are more interested in meth dumps than a simple grower.....


Well-Known Member
you have nothing to worry about at all man, u are not growing enough for them to spot u, them choppers will spot out farms with intense lights, on your house all it will look to them is maybe a stove oven on.


i guess there looking for 'big catches' but am pretty worried, i have a set of scales and like 2 x baggies but thats all i have to show i may deal.
i just really hope i don't get busted.