Help needed

I recently started growing some seeds and eight of them are doing really great. They are about 2 weeks old and are about four inches. The two true leaves have appeared. but the two true leaves are growing far apart and i want to know if it is normal for this to happen because now they are about 3 inches apart and no other leaves are showing up. i can upload pictures if needed


Well-Known Member
Well it needs to be a CFL with the correct spectrum of light for it to make any difference to the plant so you should go to a garden center and pick up 6500k cfls for veg and 2700k for flower.


Well-Known Member
should also get little fan gently blowing on them to help strengthen ur stalks. Btw if ur plant looks like its falling over then just bury the stalk with more soil, dont go above the first set of leaves though as it can cause problems.


Well-Known Member
you will need to bury those down several inches deep to get the stalk the right height. And get more than one 6500 cfl and keep them only a couple inches from the plants, they are stretched horribly because of lack of good light. You need good light to make a good strong stem.


Well-Known Member
If you go up, about 40% then turn it left, it will sway away and drop little red things out of the middle. Gather up all the little redish green things and take them up to redwood forrest. where you will meet garondle the gentle giant. Give him the little orangish blue things in exchange for some majical mushroom pollen dust. apply to water, and there you have it!
problem solved,

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