Help needed 1st indoor grow!!!

Hello there, this is my first thread and hopefully i will be able to get the help i need from it. I have done research online about scrog, closet, and dresser grows and im not sure which one is best for my setup. I might be able to use a grow tent, but if not, i have a closet that has some weird dimensions. it would basically be about 3ft by 3ft and a slanted celling about 30 degrees that goes from 4ft to 7ft. I also might be able to use my dresser for flowering and another for a veg, the first dresser is 3.5ft long, 4ft high, and about 14inches deep, and the other at 2.5ft long, 5 ft high, and 14 inches deep. I am thinking that would be the most productive grow. I have purchased coco coir and bat guano knowing i am going to be using that as my soil. I also have four 100 watt 2700k cfl's for flowering and four 100 watt 6500k clfs for veg. I was wondering if anyone had some information that would help me decide how to start it up, or any information that could help me in my grow. Thanks!