Help!! need he;p diagnosing plant problems on my first plant my baby!!!!

Snapshot_20130125_5.jpgSnapshot_20130125_4.jpgSnapshot_20130125_5.jpgSnapshot_20130125_4.jpgSnapshot_20130125_5.jpgSnapshot_20130125_4.jpg mostly the lower leaves are curling at the tips then either getting this gray type color on them and dying or getting this gray color and yellowing out please help.. is this nute burn??


Active Member
Check your humidity; Sometimes if you end up with those grey molted tips it will be mold, but mold can come from more than just humidity. Check humidity, look for bugs (insect feces can exacerbate mold)....I can't really see very well in those pictures but it doesn't hurt to take a closer look with a magnifying glass.
as u can see alot of the bottom leaves are yellowing out while the tops are getting brown around the edges then progressing to the black color


Well-Known Member
not sure what your problem is so i dont want to suggest anything but why did you only fill your pot up 1/2 way? get some more dirt in there m8


Active Member
Looks like chance of soil being too hot. What are you using? Check your runoff.....always check runoff first when you have an issue. We need numbers. Peace.
i dont have appm meter or ph meter basically i been usin some 5-5-5 nutrients i got outta my freinds gargage the only thing i can think of is i gave it a lil extra nutes about a day or two befor this happened ...... should i flush the soil?? or repot this is my first grow which kinda happened by accident on the fly but it just seems that the leaves are drying up n dying after turning grayish black no visible bugs or mold i can see


Well-Known Member
It looks like maybe nute burn or bad watering habits.
Make sure your soil is drying out between waterings and you should have a PH'd water feed in between nutrient feedings.
You really need a PH tester at least. A liquid test kit is only like $8.00 and that way you can test the run off and give us a number.
Don't sweat it too much. These plants are tough and yours looks reasonably healthy; you will beable to save it.
PH is very important in growing. I have experience outdoors and still screwed up and fed my indoor plants a low PH nute mix. The mix locked out my plants ability to absorb Potasium, Phosphate and a couple others; resulting in burnt rusty leaves that are dying. Had I continued to feed them the low Ph mix I would have killed them.
See ya later try to get a PH tester and give us a number. Good Luck.
thanks for the advice man if i cant get get a ph meter would a simple solutuion jsut be to flush to be on the safe side and remove chemicals ive beeen usin water ive left out for a couple of days and what not.or should i repot it
but i dont think t could b bad watering habits because i only water once every two oer three days and i already had a stint with overwatering lol


Active Member
I'd give a light flush but be careful of root rot with small plants in bigger pots. Be sure they dry out before next watering. You really need a meter........