Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!


Hi, im doing a CFL closet grow with a soil medium & im getting somewhat crystalline deposits on my leaves, when picked off it is hard & has depth to it, & crumbles & feels like rocksalt, but ive used no salt.

what could this be? its only on the leaves & doesnt actually look like a fungus or mold, but idk what else it could be?


Well-Known Member
What soil? Watering? Foliar feeding? Sounds like your splashing something on them, is there something above them falling onto them?


New Member
Are they Spider Mite eggs? Once had those on the under parts of the leaves.. looked just like salt.. got them from growing outside.. noticed one day it rained and I brought them into my CFL set up. Saw the little jerks crawling and laying eggs


Well-Known Member
Are they Spider Mite eggs? Once had those on the under parts of the leaves.. looked just like salt.. got them from growing outside.. noticed one day it rained and I brought them into my CFL set up. Saw the little jerks crawling and laying eggs
Id agree with this get a scope and have a good look under the leafs


took a look, no eggs. this stuff is spreading & is crystallized like salt, its not in little bits, its literally like crystallizing, each spot isisolated & is a solid crystal around 1/4" in size.

the dirt is just some soil flowers were growing in at wally world, watering with regular water & MG every few waterings, light is CFL & the ventilation is poor, but i take my plants out for sunlight most days (without interrupting the light cycle).

all of a sudden now, a few days after the crystals started, now most of the leaves are turning different shades of brown/deep green & appear to be dying, granted this is my first solo practice grow, but this isnt encouraging!


Well-Known Member
Cant believe you stole soil from 'wally world' . Flowers have different soil needs to dope so who knows whats going on.


hell i didnt steal it, i just saw a perfect tray with good soil for $2 & i couldnt resist, this isnt a real serious grow, its just the first of a couple test runs of growin regs before i try on something good.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the leaf discoloration is the start of nutrient burn.

Miracle grow can be used, but its a strong, concentrated fertilizer. It needs to be used at half or even quarter strength and I wouldn't suggest fertilizing every few waterings...

More like once every two weeks or as necessary.

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
I doubt it is salt. It would kill the plants before it got that big. What fert you using? Need a pic as well.


Sounds like the leaf discoloration is the start of nutrient burn.

Miracle grow can be used, but its a strong, concentrated fertilizer. It needs to be used at half or even quarter strength and I wouldn't suggest fertilizing every few waterings...

More like once every two weeks or as necessary.

if this is accurate, ive straight bastardized these poor plants, which is exactly why this is one of several practice grows. Mostly i just wanted to test the tray out to see if was sufficient for decent sized starters, which i feel it is (9 2"x2" cups in the tray).