Help!!!!! My plants tipping.


Active Member
Okay here are some new photos after adding more soil to cover the stem, getting some air circulation and moving the lights closer to the seedling. The plant to me looks a lot better than it did hours ago so hopefully this will work out.
cover your stem more. it can be bburyied until the 1st set of leaves.

And find out wat KIND of light? you need regualr florecent lights or compact fluresent light. regualr light bulb that you put in a house lamp will NOT work. thats about eqevelent to lighting a candel next to your plant for its light....


well im using the sprial florescent bulbs and I have to small ones and one big one. The big bulb is in the celing socket and the two others are in lamps, which im kinda having trouble with cause those arent directly over the plant. I was thinking of maybe trying to get a desk lamp with a bendable neck so I can easily get it over the plant. Other than that, the plant seems to be doing good. The two bladed leaves are starting to get a little bigger on the top. Also, im curious to know what type of strain I have, I planted a seed that was from a bag of mersh that I got and im also curious to know how long it will be until it starts to bud and when its ready to be picked. This probabally isn't the place to ask that but I figured I'd try anyways but i'll take a look around the site more to try to find these answers.