Help!!! My Plants Got To Much Light!!!!


Well-Known Member
Get some cloning solution from WalMart or Pike's or something and a clean razor blade.
Find the clone you want to take and make the cut about a half inch away from the main stalk at a 45 degree angle and immediately stick it in the cloning solution for like 15 seconds. Stick it in some rock wool and water it, put it in a clear container with a solid bottom and a clear top with some holes in the top. Mist water all through the container and close it up with the clone inside. Now you just have to wait. If it survive the first week then you're set.


Active Member
"Originally Posted by jballs422
it might have been to hot but does that mean there dead or can they still make it?
also i have three plants that are in day 3 of flowering can i take a clone off of one of them to replace my shriveled plant?"

Yes you can.

I'm kinda new at growing an still going through my first grow but besides that i was told that to clone a plant you have to do it during veg and the plant that your taking the clones from will never harvest..... is this true?
:confused: :joint:


Well-Known Member
damn kush smoker that 1 plant in your acatar is streching pretty bad put the light closer :) as for this guy start a new grow this one is done.


Active Member
damn kush smoker that 1 plant in your acatar is streching pretty bad put the light closer :) as for this guy start a new grow this one is done.

btw im using 4 , 150 watt cfls on my plants and i don't believe it was stretching because the light was 3 to 4inches away from my plant and it's about a month an a half into flowering and it just stopped growing. (the plant on the left in the pic aka the one ur talking about?) :roll: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
what you've pretty much made is an oven for your seedlings....cooked them, you NEED an intake as well as an outtake fan to give your grow box a steady flow of fresh air. do not take out lights as you will defiantly need them, the more light the better. it looks like someone has not looked at grow faq yet, here you go. GROWFAQ :peace: