HELP!!my plants a fucking hermie,,, should i kill it???


Well-Known Member
yo so i jus looked at my fuckin plant and seen it was a hermie,,, what are reasons u think that could have happened for??? ALSo should i kill the plant or let it grow as well????? any comments or info would really greatly help please help thanks!!!!


Well-Known Member
let it grow if its your only one you will have to pick some seeds out but its better than nothing plus it good experience growing unless u dont needs it


Well-Known Member
If you dont/wont have other plants flowering at the same time , you can keep it i hear the bug is a small amout and weak. But its up to you. Did the plant endure alot of stress? I also hear if you pollinate a female with a hermie you get feminized seeds... Just up to you.. Sorry 8(...

Good luck..


Well-Known Member
yea i got a plant flowerin that stayed true female so i took out the hermie and gonna kill it,,,fuck it i guess shit happens.


Active Member
i dont see the problem with hermie's myself, bud and seeds, sure the bud isn't at potent as un-pollinated females' but it's something, right?

Also, wonder what would happen if you just cut the balls off the hermie before they popped, would it continue growing without the balls?


Active Member
I also found my outdoor plant to be a hermie today as well. I have heard mixed opinions, but overall the seemingly educated people say that you should keep the plant and the seeds from it will have a better chance of being either female or another hermie, but never true male. I am pissed just because I wanted sensimilla bud, but I guess shit happens and it's good if you plan on growing more in the future. :bigjoint: