help my clones!


Active Member
like a week and a half ago we cut 3 clones off of a biggin and diped them in some ROOT66 and putem in a jiffy pelets and made it humid by putting a little greenhouse around the plants under 18/6 600w hps.. and kept them moist!

we tookem out 2 see if any took root but no.. they didnt theres just no roots!


please help


Well-Known Member
....first of all, lose the light! One little cfl is all you need to root. Do they get fresh air in thier 'greenhouse?' Are you keeping the jiffies tooooo wet??<---easy to do! Is it smelling 'musty?'
You need air, minimal light, high humidity----and try to keep the temps around 75---cant picture any of that w/600wtts hps..... Lift the dome off a few times a day and let them breath...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
depending on the strain they can take about 2 to 3 weeks to root but also using CFL or Flo light would be alot gentler for them


Well-Known Member
First guy nailed it for you!!! You need no more advice. TEMP!! Small Lights!! humidity. Go get a humidity dome too, they are cheap and worth it. Also some clones and depending on conditions, take longer to clone. Usually not longer then 3 weeks. Good luck and happy cloning!


Active Member
first of all clones dont root fast, they will create a soft bottom and make little lumps over maybe two weeks. Then when they start to root and the first root appears it will spread within days and you'll have a nice root system within a week. - The roots growing is the fastest part, the first stage of keeping it alive is the slow part.

If your clones stem isnt drooping over its still alive. Dont pull it out!!! The leaves will droop and may go yellowish but as long as the stem stays upright you'll be fine. A dying plant will lay down to die it wont stand up and die.

Just keep them wet and keep the lid over them, and dont uproot the clones leave them to get on with it. Tomatoes can be a bitch to clone and can take neerly 4 weeks before the clones root. Ya Digg?.