Help me with lighting


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have fully decided to switch to LED lighting Instead of HPS! Now Im a total noob to LED's but i am looking for something at 300 - 400w For the best price My spending limit is about $350-400 CAN....any suggestions are helpfull!


Well-Known Member
Knowing the size of your grow area would help those familiar with LED help you size one up..


Well-Known Member
The size is 55 1/8x71 1/4 " what i got off the website and the wardrobe i a using is in the pics I plan to fit a 2 125w cfls on the right side for vegging and would like to do a LED on the left for flower!


bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
keep your hps . I watch and read lot of videos . only light that will give you slightly more par out put then hps is the kind led and its way over your dollar amount and in my opinion its 4 times to much its not worth it you will never get your investment back well mabe in 4 years if it does not break . I use Philips led tubes in veg have ok results but mh is far superior so the hps will be as well . but I an not comparing them equally . the mh I use is 1000 watts lol and the led only is about 120 watts . so if I could get this many leds in the same space the led would win . 1000 watts of them


Active Member
Look on ebay or another auction site get one advertised at at 900 watts with at least 5 watt diodes which only uses about 400 true watts . or you could do 2 units at 600 watts each (276 watts actual each ) ( about 140 US each) which is what I would choose