Help me solve my annoying mystery!!!


New Member
Hey people please could you help me?I have moved several plants(3 different crops over the past few months) times and had to chuck them as the damage to the plants once moved to a perfect (temp/lights/clean) room has just seemed to start the plants to go yellow on the new leaves(48 prior to this everything has been green) go brittle dry up and generally die\all plants prior going into the room have been healthy.The food has not been changed and on two ocassions i have thought it was the lights...which after changing them twice i realise it is not.The temprature is unchanged from the place where the plants have come from ,the move has been feet(so not shock),they are not being drowned with nutrients or the lights to low,the room is also very very clean.I AM AT A TOTAL LOSS!As we speak the plants that have been moved 48 hours ago are to beginning to yellow from the the inside out(which i would think would be stretching)but the bigger leaves end are also starting to crisp up at the edges.It just cant be the food as nothing has changed that much please help if you can,as this will be the fourth fail in this bloody room!!!


Well-Known Member
It's not the room....
It's not the room....

Four times...
Did you use a new grow medium for each grow, or the same stuff...

Plants drying, and turning crispy, sounds like too hot/not enuff RH, and not enuff water...

You are either doing too much of something... or not enuff...

Only you know... cause well it's a Mystery!


Well-Known Member
Put a house plant in the "suspect" room and see what happens...

it could be the could be the room...IMO


Well-Known Member
Well,u say u have not changed ur nutes. Maybee thats ur prablem,maybe to much nitrogen or maybe ur ph is off, or maybee u are in a mag-cal defic. I had that prablem for a few harvests and i learned that i was burning my plants and i also had spring tails in soil the hurt my roots. So i started using pro-mix so i would know what was in the medium all the time. hope i can help. need pics. Peace


Active Member
I don't understand. Where are you moving these plants? From veg to flower room? Are you digging them up from outside and bringing them inside? Details.


Well-Known Member
What lighting are they coming from and going to? Its shock from the change in intensity and you don't need a temp rise to damage plants. Eg ive had large cfls running near the same temp in veg room as a cooltubed HPS 600w in flower room and plants still stressed with some leaf damage, the 600w is much more intense than the cfls. . Raise the lights in the flower room and don't start plants directly under them.


Well-Known Member
What are you moving them into? A tent? if so what make? Anything that could be offgassing? As Buds said too.


Active Member
Have you checked the humidity & airflow?
They could be dehydrating....

But like the guys said--
are you just picking-up the planters and moving from room A to room B.. or are you replanting?


New Member
As we have had several failed attempts,we have transplanted the plants mainly a few weeks before moving them and the roots have been great (not shocked) also the humidity and airflow is perfect...still vexed thx for trying to help but i think its the room :(


New Member
They are movin from a tent( which is beautiful at getting them ready to die in the doomroom) then to a room thats totally decked out ,I dont know what off gassing is tho :(