Help Me! PLant Problem Can i Save her????


Active Member
i noticed one of my seedlings are really light yellow/green while my other plants are the same green. this one has a really weak stalk and just fell over yesterday but looks like it started growing upwards the strain is bubble gum. the leaves are hanging low, its first leaves are rotting dosnt look natural. this plant is just fucked up can i save herSnapshot_20130401_3.JPGSnapshot_20130401_2.JPG


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Staff member
It needs more light/closer light. When the seedlings stretch toward the light they can out grow the stem's strength and fall over. Pot them up to a larger pot. Bury the very long stem and lower the light. Then get a fan to add to help strengthen the stem.


Active Member
how can i bring the sun closer? lol jokes, and its like the plant is slowy dieing/ and rottening if u look at the healthy plant next to it they are diff colour but same strains, ive had the long stretchy stalks growing indoors before but this is like yellow/green un healthy rotten looking lol.


Active Member
yea ill re pot them today thanks for your'e replys anyway really apprecaite the feedback


The yellow on the leaves indicate you have low nitrogen condition in your soil (I recommend using Dynagro 7-9-5 as it is a complete fertilizer). you may be able to rescue her by using 1/2 tsp as your plant will need a desperate shot of nitrogen. Just be careful how much fertilizer you use in the future as you can easily overdo it. good luck;)


Active Member
Not enough light
not enough air
and either (A) pH is off (chek!) (B) you splashed nutes on it or (C) WAY overfed! (shouldn't have been fed yet!)

Make sure the drain holes are big enough & flush them all.. then add some cfl bulbs in clamp-lights right down within 2 inches of them... get a small oscillating fan blowing in there so they always move, and use something to "Stake" them in an upright position...

You may be able to make these babies work! ;0