Help me out - Is this a NITROGEN deficiency?


Well-Known Member
if it starts from te botem and progesses up affecting older leaves it is a N def feed it and you should be good in 10 days


Well-Known Member
I personally wish those charts were better written and presented. i've yet seen a true good aid for us newbies. The way these cure all charts that people throw around and quote ver batim without their own personal experience are so vague. It's like fortunes in the newspapers. Their true no matter who is reading them. And what I mean by this, is that a lof the pics look the same and they don't really point out the differences between each symptom occurs. Whether or not it is more in common with this media type versus another. Diffirent problems seem to look different in hydro than they do in soil and also differ from what grow state they are in.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
flam they are tools ,not to be the fix all cure all only a reference to aid in the process i was grateful every time i was guided toward links every one helps in one way or another.if the link didnt help you with your problem there is always the search function or reading through the threads