Help me- Help FDD

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Well-Known Member
this will be my new home come Jan 22 -

i will be at the satellite camp. :cool:

you can contact me thru pm until then if you would like my inmate info.

thank you all for your support thru all this. it's what gets me by day-to-day. i would love to receive mail, if anyone has a desire to correspond with me let me know. or contact potroast or rollitup for my info after Jan 22.
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Well-Known Member
this will be my new home come Jan 22 -

i will be at the satellite camp. :cool:

you can contact me thru pm until then if you would like my inmate info.

thank you all for your support thru all this. it's what gets me by day-to-day. i would love to receive mail, if anyone has a desire to correspond with me let me know. or contact potroast or rollitup for my info after Jan 22.

you will be back..... and ill be here waiting on ya:bigjoint::weed::hump::wink:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I was at # 2. it's tolerable. Like being in the service, just do what you're told and don't start-or finish any shit....
you'll meet some of the nicest politicians money can buy....and a few former law enforcement officials.


Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
I got convicted for 4 felonies for doing some stupid shit when i was 20. Served a year in county. Its nice to know that for growing weed i could never get into nearly as much trouble as i have been in when i was not even old enought to drink yet.

"America, land of the free, home of the brave."


Well-Known Member
No it couldn't. Most of us don't abuse privileges given to us and grow pounds of extra with the intent to sell.

What he did fucks it up for every medical grower.

Since fdd's back maybe he can explain how KMK and his girl got busted also.

:roll:Oh so it is a "privilege" to grow my own medicine? gtfo here with that noise.


Well-Known Member
who here has never bought pot?

who here has gone days without, simply because they couldn't find any pot to buy?

who here wishes everyone had all the pot they ever need?

yeah, fuck me. i'm such an asshole. :roll:

i remember what it's like to go without. i would never wish that upon anyone and was simply doing my best to help those in need. why should i get special privileges simply because of where i live?

yes, i deserve prison time. and my family deserves to suffer as well. :)


Well-Known Member
What was your sentence? I got 3 good friedns fighting a case in cook county now from getting popped last year for loads from rado to illinois has some assinine 20 years for trafficking....6 years max in rado so the feds did not prosecute...they let illinois rape them.
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