HELP ME :-) Doctors and experts: What weed is best for me?


I am a 27-year-old male. I am physically inactive and I take Cymbalta/Clonazepam to treat generalized anxiety.

I first started smoking weed a couple years ago, and the first weed I smoked changed my life. I went from not caring about weed to wanting it quite often. I don't know what that first batch was, but it was always a pleasant light high. My brain would take this fantastic thought journey and my creativity was through the roof. I giggled a lot and music was AWESOME.

After that first batch, I've had some pleasant and unpleasant experiences with weed. The funny thing is, the first batch I ever got was the cheapest AND the best I've ever had.

After than initial batch I've obtained batches that introduced me to other effects. While I still often enjoy smoking, it sometimes tends to induce anxiety. I am still completely aware of it, because I'm familiar with anxiety attacks and am able to calm myself down.

I think the anxiety initiates from physical sensations of tightness, and not just random paranoia.

WHAT I LIKE: Thinking faster and clearly, and perhaps a bit lighter. Laughing and smiling a lot. Enjoying music.

NEGATIVE EFFECTS: Sometimes I've felt like my heart is going to explode or I get tight feelings all over my body. Sometimes they stay in one spot or sometimes they roll. Also, sometimes my brain can't stay on track, it freezes instead of speeds up. Sometimes I twitch to get rid of a strong sensation in the body, like it's overwhelming to me.

I think my body is oversensitive to physical sensations that I get from pot, which makes me think that, from what I've read, I would do better smoking sativas or sativa dominant.

I've never had the luxury of being able to know what kind of weed I have smoked. I can only speculate from how they made me feel. My feeling is that I've been smoking a lot of indica dominant.

I feel like if I could find the right type of weed for me, it could really change my life for the better. It seems to treat depression BIG TIME. At my best I feel like doing things and I do them and have fun.

What type of weed should I smoke? What strains?

*Don't know if doctors come here, but please indicate if you are one :peace:


Active Member
Im no DR. but I do have a bit of exsperence with panic attacks,my wife used to get them all the time,she would be fine if she smoked low grade smoke but when she smoked good strong smoke it would bring on the panic attacks,and some really bad ones,in the begining I didnt know much about anxiety attacks and used to think she was maybe just looking for attention,now I know alot about it and know what you go through its a tough thing to deal with.she has not smoked in years and hasnt had an attack for the same,for my wife the smoke was triggering her attacks,but I do remember reading somewhere about a strain that was good for anxiety,and offerd to grow her some but she dont want to chance it. do a little reading up on med strains and you should find it. good luck and hang in there man I know what your dealing with

Penni Walli

green crack and blue dream is amazing for anxiety and depression, both are very uplifting highs. The only thing i don't like about sativas are you gotta be smoking a bowl every hour to maintain a no crash feel, the crash is pretty heavy with sativas for me if i don't smoke every hour.