
Active Member
So I’m new to this whole growing game I’ll first start by my mediumI’m growing with miracle grow pro organics soil which has given me an amazing start despite the reviews, My seedlings are now Eight days old and being that I used an organic mix I decided to use nutrients NPK 10-8-8 At five days old about 1/20th of the recommended dose to boost them Which gave me tremendous results I have two sativa and two Indica the type I don’t know they were bags seeds from the start and only showing now what they are my question is has anybody ever had a seedling go from germination leaf to single leaf to a five blade skipping the third blade leaves ??? Also as of yesterday and ran out of pH balanced water so I had to use tapwater that I boiled and my plant Has all of a sudden turned lighter and the new blades coming in seem almost a lime green I skipped their feeding because of the not having water could this be why? Also is it too early to top my plants healthy because I don’t want a giant and grow op it will probably be my only talking for two colas? The first plant is my sativa which you can see the new five blade coming in right after the single blade and the second picture is my Indica which you can see the lime color better please give me some information help a newbie out?!?!

