[HELP] Leaf problem.


Well-Known Member

This is my first plant so I don't know much what could happed with my baby.
One day I saw that one of the big leaves does something wierd and the middle one lays down (see the picture).
I'm using nutrient solution NPK 20-20-20. Also I saw that some leaves lays down a bit (check the picture).

I was using 1 CFL lamp 20W and today I added 2nd one CFL lamp, same Watts and one tradicional lamp 60Watt for some heat. The temperature is 20-24 celsius.
Plant is in Veg stage.


Sincerely, Weedburger.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Not enough light. The leaves are beginning to claw which is a sign of nitrogen building up. Go easy on the nutes.

40watts of CFL is not enough. Your plant is stretching in search of light. Get rid of the regular bulb and add 4 cfls for side lighting.


Well-Known Member
Got it with lights.

About nutrients.. Should I wash the soil with clean water now for about 2 - 3 weeks? And than lower a nutrient concentrate?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
WOWSER! your really over doing the nutes (20-20-20)!!!!!
In soil, for MM try about 2.8-2.2-3.1 and don't forget your micro nute levels. At flower up to 2.8-9.4-8.4 higher levels of P&K later in flower will be ok.

I don't see any nute burn yet but in soil it takes 5-7 days for problems to show up and the same for corrections to be seen. Also note that corrections will only be seen on new growth as "visible" damage to existing plant will remain.

The leaf tips are curling down to indicate over feeding and it doesn't look bad yet.

If your going to wash ,,,, only do so for 2 days and do it like this. Pour in wash till it runs from the bottom of the pot and stop, repeat next day and wait till plant dries out to watering point to resume feeding.


Well-Known Member
WOWSER! your really over doing the nutes (20-20-20)!!!!!
In soil, for MM try about 2.8-2.2-3.1 and don't forget your micro nute levels. At flower up to 2.8-9.4-8.4 higher levels of P&K later in flower will be ok.

I don't see any nute burn yet but in soil it takes 5-7 days for problems to show up and the same for corrections to be seen. Also note that corrections will only be seen on new growth as "visible" damage to existing plant will remain.

The leaf tips are curling down to indicate over feeding and it doesn't look bad yet.

If your going to wash ,,,, only do so for 2 days and do it like this. Pour in wash till it runs from the bottom of the pot and stop, repeat next day and wait till plant dries out to watering point to resume feeding.
Okey, I have been feeding my plant with this nutrient solution for about month and nothing bad happened, anyway, can I just add not so much nutrient to water so making it not so concentrate?

About lights, yes it will be light problem, because it had just one 20W CFL lamp, now there will be 3.



Well-Known Member
DO NOT FLUSH. It is not necessary and will just stress your plants roots.
I hope I understood...

Next time when the soil will be dry I will water it just with clean water without nutrients. After that, then plant gets dry again, I can add nutrients again just not so concentrate like now? That should be okey?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm back right here and bumping this thread.

After knowing about nutrient overdosing I was waiting till soil drys out so I can wash it.
That day hasn't come because I have another problem with my plant.

Check the photos:


I saw that some leaves are starting to curl down now and my plant doesnt look healthy anymore. Maybe it's still the nutrient problem because I haven't washed the soil?

I got 2nd plant which is smaller, but one of the leaves are starting to get yellow. (see the picture: left leaf)


Will be glad to hear your version.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
WOWSER! your really over doing the nutes (20-20-20)!!!!!

i've used Jack's 20-20-20 (previously Peter's) for over 30 years. awesome product. you have to learn how to use it. i use all the way through the grow and never switch to bloom nutes. GL


New Member
Do you have a tds pen or a ppm pen? How about a grow bible? Instead of listening to everyone's opinions while your little girls suffers. There has been so much said to you, no nutes, less nutes, flush, don't flush and on and on. Listen to the wrong advise at this stage will result in other issues, as you are seeing now. IMO I would flush with ph balanced water, use 3 times the amount you feed or water with., mix a 1/2 strength solution and pour it through. Move your lights in close and get more(50 watts per square foot min.) and let her dry out. Educate yourself with real knowledge and not from here. Have a look at this if you don't have a bible http://www.kindgreenbuds.com/cannabis-grow-bible.html Good Luck

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you have cfls on the sides or under closer than the cfls over the plant, it can cause the leaves to turn toward the closer light.

dr grinsp00n

New Member
If i were you, i'd transplant that plant in to a 50-50 mix of TGA super soil and regaular TGA soil and put more light on it.