HELP ITS AN EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!! with pics


Active Member
Last Nite My Fan In My Growroom Got Unplugged Somehow And The Temperature Reached Into The 90's My Plant Got Fried With Crunchy Leaves And Most Of It Is Wilted. My Temp Usually Is Between 76 And 82. Is There Any Thing I Can Do To Help Revive This Thing?


Well-Known Member
Cool it down and keep it watered is all that you can really do. My room has gotten to 96 for a couple hours without any adverse effects so hopefully they will come back after you do this. I would think that smaller plants may have a little more trouble bouncing back but let’s hope that won't be the case. Your plants don’t look bad in my opinion just a little overheated.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
give it a good drink and make sure temps stay 70 for the next week or 2 as you will now be nursing the plant back to life and not really growing. You will loose 2 weeks of grow time so pause where you are in the cycle and dont count this time as grow time. You have caused major stress which now you ll have to woory about hermies and males.Does look like plant is but 2 weeks or little over old so if it doesnt start to show healing in 3-4 days just start a new one.


Sector 5 Moderator
I had one that was smaller than that and she was over 3 months old! Now she's in flower and is about 15" tall; she's a blueberry and has more buds than any of my others.