Help Its An Emergency!!!!!!!!!!1


Active Member
Last Nite My Fan In My Growroom Got Unplugged Somehow And The Temperature Reached Into The 90's My Plant Got Fried With Crunchy Leaves And Most Of It Is Wilted. My Temp Usually Is Between 76 And 82. Is There Any Thing I Can Do To Help Revive This Thing?


Well-Known Member
She'll be right mate, well in my grow I just finished temps often enough would get up to 130, sure they got unnhapy here and there and 2 out of three turned hermie lol, the one that lasted turned out pretty good. Most of the time my temps were in 90's & in general they kept growing happily... hope this was sorta helpful

You gotta post pics to show what she's like

I dare say it will bounce back quickly, I guess chance of hermie gains with each high stress moment so the happier she is the better


Active Member
this is what it looks like today i put it back under the flourescents till i get my heat problem solved. What do yas think?


Well-Known Member
what I would do is,,, make sure soil is moist,, keep lights on 24/7 or 18/6, whichever prefered,,, spray plant a few times a day, keeping close eye on it for the next week or so,,,, thats what worked for me....


Active Member
I Was Just Vegging. But I Put Them Under A 400 W Mh I Just Picked Up And My Temps Got Into The 90's And Fryed It