Help is this light the right one?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Looks like a 150w metal halide high bay fixture. Yep, it'll work. You may have to modify it for growing by turning it into a remote ballast. Hit me up and I'll walk you thru it, or there are several informative threads here on that very subject. I have a whole bunch of pics showing how I made mine in my albums.
I'd try and find a 400w fixture, 150w is pretty weak IMHO, the yield will be disappointing. But a lot of folks here use 'em. :peace:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It's more than likely a Metal Halide. Interior High bay lights are generally MH because that spectrum is easier on the peoples eyes who work under them. HPS is more commonly used as exterior illumination.
Dont let anyone tell you that MH is wrong for flower. It MIGHT not be OPTIMAL, and that school of thought is being reconsidered, but it certainly has done well by me and a whole lot of others.

If this is your first grow, you'll be just fine with MH. Try and concentrtae on just getting all of your girls across the finish line. A whole lot of people really over engineer this. I know I did, I killed off the majority of my first crop and wasted alot of money in the process. Not to mention the added stress of worrying about every little "hangnail" the plants displayed. Keep at it, it's a learning process.

There is a lot of good advise and knowledge here, but you gotta sort thru it all and find what works for you.