Help, is something wrong with these?


Active Member
One of these plants looks ok the tall one though looks very stemmy with not much bud on it, should be done by now, but am I missing something, does it need a bunch more time will it flower much more in the next week? Seems weak compared to other pics I've seen, it is Strawberry Cough, doesn't look like it will yield barely anything, is it time to harvest, did I do something wrong, please help and tell me what I should do...



Active Member
those leaves are contributing their sugar to the making of the bud! nothings wrong with the plant. pull off the dead leaves and keep maintaining your plant


Active Member
they have been flowering for 8 weeks and we are using a 600 watt magnesium bulb

also, here are some better pictures to understand what I'm saying, do you think these plants will be good and how long should I keep flowering them?



Active Member
you've got to get a different lighting setup. you're hardly getting any usable light for the relatively massive amount of electricity being used.


Active Member
what do you suggest we get for lighting then? and how much longer should i keep them flowering before they are done?


Active Member
i was told to listen to my plant and let the flowers tell you when its done run a serch on ur strain and go with what is says let it go till ur happy with it


Active Member
technically it says it is done based on time, but i dont think it looks done, but i dont know this is my first run, also with the lighting what did that guy mean i don't have enough usable lighting for that much power, that makes no sense based on anything ive been reading.


Well-Known Member
Ok skillz im a newbie too so Im going to give you the best advice I can give you.. I havent heard of anyone using magnesium bulbs the best light is a type of HID, MH or HPS there is more to it than just giving it a bright light it has to be right type of spectrum thats why someone said your not giving it usable light. and your so late into flowering im not sure wut you can do at this point. I would try to buy a couple of CFL lights if you cant get a hps light soon add the CFL with the light your using now.. Certain CFL's are better for flowering so do some research and get the right type..


Active Member
Dude, my bad I was really high last night, I didn;t realize I wrote magnesium, it's a Sodium 600 Watt, my bad. I think the setup is fine, just need to know if it looks god, and if its ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Dude, my bad I was really high last night, I didn;t realize I wrote magnesium, it's a Sodium 600 Watt, my bad. I think the setup is fine, just need to know if it looks god, and if its ready to harvest?
It does look a little week.

I havn't had my 1st harvest yet so don't quote me.

If you are in your 8th week flowering.
I'd suggest start your flush with plain water, no nutes. Maybe run to your supermarket
and pick up some molasses(in the baking section)
1 teaspoon / gallon

At this point that is the only thing I can see to puff up your buds a little bit.

do this for another week or two.


Active Member
dude im an idiot i didnt mean magnesium, i was smokin last night, its a sodium 600 watt, just want to know if they look ready for harvest and if they look healthy?


Well-Known Member
lol you sure you aren't high right now? :-P you wrote the same thing twice!

Anyway, here's another newb opinion... It looks like your lighting is working well enough or you gave your plants to much nutes. Well that's just my guess. Good luck and hopefully you will enjoy your harvest!!!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Strawberry Cough is 75% sativa 25% indica so it should need about 9 or 10 weeks of flowering. Some sativa's seem to never want to mature fully. As when to harvest??? This is the rule of the green thumb :) The day before someone steals them or the cops show up...LOL!!! I like to harvest my plants when half or more of the pistils turn red. I also check the trichomes, they start out very clear like water then change to a milky white, this is the optimum time for harvest ( highest THC ) after this they start turn to a amber color, and the THC breaks down into other cannabiniods. From your pictures I can't help you out with the problems you're having, they look pretty sick in the bad way to me. Do you have any good Marijuana Horticulture books? I would start there and see if you made any mistakes, god knows I have over the years... Good luck!


Active Member
We definitely made mistakes, we over watered for a few weeks which probably flushed out some of the nutes early there anything we can do now? Do we add nutes this late, do we add nutes in flowering at all? Any suggestions to fix these before harvest?

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I think your biggest worry should be how do I keep these ladies alive.
You're so far into flowering, if they were younger, they look like they have a nitrogen deficiency.
The real pisser is that some over and under fertilization problems look the same to me.
If I had to guess, you are in soil, the pots are too small and the salts have built up to a
dangerous level... this is only a guess and a personal experience :(

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I want you to know, I know how you feel about your ladies.
I got carried away with the Flowering Fertilizers on this grow.
There is that sickening feeling that all that time and money
could go to waist. I'm at a little over 4 weeks of 12/12.
A tip for you on speeding up flowering by a week for your
next grow. When you decide to start the flowing cycle do
this, on the last 18 hr day turn off the lights for 24 to 36 hrs.
I read this on the net and it works like a charm and does'nt
cost a dime... Check it out for yourself.