help! in china..


can't find legit smoke out here. does anyone know someone that sells international? i've had couple friends that had a contact in canada that did it quite legit. can anyone help me out here? thanks!


Well-Known Member
It's a big country, where you at in China? I've heard it's not that hard to get over there so hit the cafes and bars. Someone will hook you up if you hang out long enough.


Well-Known Member
Big cities will have it or head on down to Thailand but dude dont get caught breaking the law in China, you dont get to call your lawyer and bail out. It is China be careful they do not like people that disrespect their laws, not like here.


Active Member
yeah where in china are you? I know hash is really easy to find just go to the night clubs people are always selling on the street just ask for hash and they will know


Active Member
lol what a funny situation. go to this site it shows u where to grab in most cities. its webehigh dot com