Help Identify This Strain?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's hard as hell to tell but I wonder if anyone could tell me what this strain might be just by looking at the pictures? It's just over 3 weeks into flowering. Looks like White Widow to me but all my seeds came from random bags of regs, guess I could have gotten lucky. Any thoughts? This is only my 2nd grow but it's already turning out WAYYYYYY better than my first. Oh, and say hi to Bowzer and Quincy :) :)


white widow is sativa dominant, which yours is def. indica dominant. I think if anyone would seriously try to guess what strain, that's all it would be a, a guess. Might be able to narrow it down with some help. What is the smell, piney?, fruity?, skunky? How much did the plant stretch since flipping her? Looks like she might have been a good candidate to top at least once.


Well-Known Member
Stretched about 2 feet and then seems to have stopped. I'm still new to all the "advanced" techniques and I wish I could answer your questions better but my sense of smell is TERRIBLE. It's probably a question with little hope of finding an answer to, it was just a thought to throw out there :)


Well-Known Member
It is impossible to tell the strain by looks. period. The best you can hope for is determining whether it's sativa dominant or indica dom.