help i have no clue what i am doing.


Active Member
so one day i was pretty high, and decided i was going to grow me some herbal refreshments of my own. I threw a bunch of seeds in a huge pot, sprinkled some miracle grow everywhere, came down from my buzz and completely forgot about them. I found them a few days ago when i went outside, (about 3 or so weeks later) and i was shocked as shit to find plants growing. Looks like something has been munching on one, but they also look pretty healthy considering. They have a lot of new growth coming out of the top. I cant bear to just toss them, but theres too much frost to leave them outside. What is the simplest way possible i can keep growing these to get something salvagable? can i save them? I cant afford all the high tech lights and shit, something really cheap, and that will work in closet, or any other ideas you might have. And the fastest way, i am not trying to win biggest plant of the year award, anything smoakable would be great. For now i am just bringing them in at night and leaving them back outside during the day and they are tolerating it, but not sure how long that will work. peace.



Well-Known Member
I had a friend who grew a butifull plant in his windo... I wouldnt think it would work... but somehow it did... not sure if it is somthing anyone can do. or just lucky people.,.. you need to put them in seperate pots... but theres a possiblility of killing them when transplainting if there roots are tangled.
CFL's are the cheapest... in a way... but alot of people here hate them. because they cost 10 pucks a light and you need a few of tem alter on... like 8... or more... so yea... ... lets wait for more people to say somthing...


New Member
Dig them up, stick them in a pot. Buy as many flouro's as you can. Get a small fan... and you're on your way to growing your first plant.

Start a journal, send me a link, and there are plenty of people that will help you along as well as myself.


Active Member
they are in a pot right now, i am going to try and get them in seperate ones today though. What is the best cheap dirt? that i can get somewhere like lowes or home depot. thanks, peace.


Active Member
Dig them up, stick them in a pot. Buy as many flouro's as you can. Get a small fan... and you're on your way to growing your first plant.

lol always thought id jus keep one flouro on mine now that its budding and i found this website ive bought 2 more and probley gon buy more soon...ive also got a bunch of chicken shit how do i use it?


New Member
gonna try and switch them today, any good cheap dirt out there at somewhere like lowes/home depot? thanks, peace.
If you're looking for cheap, why not dig up the stuff out of your garden? You said you just want to see them grow, to see if you can do it.

Cannabis grows on it's own... but once you bring it indoors, or even stick it in a pot. You'll need to keep it alive with certain nutrients. You should be looking to buy an all in one... N,P,K,. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium.

The feed you buy should have nearly equal amounts of N and K, while having around half the amount of P. This is the feed required for the vegetative stage of the plant.


New Member
inupiat.."eskimo";307340 said:
Dig them up, stick them in a pot. Buy as many flouro's as you can. Get a small fan... and you're on your way to growing your first plant.

lol always thought id jus keep one flouro on mine now that its budding and i found this website ive bought 2 more and probley gon buy more soon...ive also got a bunch of chicken shit how do i use it?
Ordinarily, I wouldn't advise people to use flouro's... but if its all you got I can't blame people for still wanting to grow. So go with it. All I advise is that you get as many as you can.:mrgreen::peace: I like synthetic nutrients. I grew organic once, even used manure... and I got tonnes of insects. I think they were attracted to the smell of poo. i think organic is best left outdoors.